Monthly Archives: November 2008

Paintings by Nikulas Lebajo

By | Arts and Culture | No Comments

 I am helping a very talented artist and friend, Nikulas, sell some of his paintings.  All paintings are oil on canvass.  If you are interested, do give him a call at +63.921.285.7386

Jars with Green Bottles ( 2 X 3 ft )


Painting # 15 ( 4 ft X 3 ft )**Painting # 8 ( 4 ft X 3 ft ) 



Elixir of Life ( 5 ft X 5 ft ) 


A Pair of Vase and a Single Brown Vase ( 24 X 30 )**9 Ewers ( 28 X 36 )

8 Ceramic Jars and 4 Brown Flasks ( 24 X 30 ) **4 Porcelain Jars + 4 brown Jars ( 24 X 30 )



9 Brown Jars and 3 White Porcelains ( 24 X 30 )**6th Century Glass ( 24 X 18 )lebajo5.jpg 

Untitled, 1991 ( 40 X 30 ) 




5Beakers with Criss Cross Trailings and 3+3 jars ( 24 X 18 )


 Untitled ( 3 ft X 3 ft )


Green Bottles (year 1995 – 30 X 24 inches )**36 Glass Vessels ( 4 ft X 4 ft )

24 Brown Jars ( 4 ft X 4 ft ) 




8 Greyish Jars and 4 Flasks ( 2 feet X 3 feet )8-greyish-jars-4-flasks2×3ft.jpg

Amphoras 2 ( 36 X 54 ) 




Baul ( 24 X 30 )

Bright Lights ( 18 X 24 )** Floral ( 18 X 24 )



Keepsake ( 24 X 18 ) **Still Life with Paper Boat ( 18 X 12 )




Corsage ( 18 X 12 )** Owners Scent ( 4 ft X 3 ft )



Clam ( 12 X 10 ) **Look back  (12 X 10 )




By | Foodie | One Comment

Kikufuji is one of the favorite restaurants of Dad and Mom.  They love it here because they serve dishes that are not found in other japanese restaurants.   The menu is in Japanese without English translation, but for some reason, we know exactly what to order when we go here.  The place is always full and when you see Japanese eating in a Japanese restaurant…that only means it is the REAL thing!

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Xtremely Espresso

By | Foodie, Travel | No Comments

Definitely another restaurant to go to when in Subic.  Thanks to Tita Nena and Katrina for recommending the place.  We used to pass by this place on the way to the church but never go to eat here and to think it has been there for five years already.  It’s American style with big portions so it’s good for big groups and sharing. We ordered everything recommended by Tita Nena


You can watch them make the pizzas 


Big Ben is supposedly their most popular pizza with everything on it 




The Ribs were very good! 



For the grandkids

By | For kids, Great Ideas | 2 Comments

In Tita Nena’s Subic garden she built two bahay kubos and a sand box for her grand kids… No wonder they don’t mind coming over…Lola Nena makes sure that her kids and grandkids all have their rooms and prepares everything for them when they come over.  Suddenly Javier wants to be invited when he is in Subic 🙂 



Magazine Collection

By | Hobbies | 2 Comments

Javs and I were so happy to have had the chance to visit Tita Nena in her Subic house and as usual we love her country house.  She was busy fixing her house and preparing it for her kids and grandkids who come over to visit.  We were amazed at her collection of magazines and books which was in almost every shelf in the house.  She told us she collects then and reads them over and over again.  As usual, they are neatly organized and for sure chronologically arranged. It is so nice to see what people collect and know their interests


In her kitchen, all recipe books and magazines 


Even in her laundry room are more magazines  


And could not help but take a photo of this plaque in her kitchen 🙂



From Subic Bay to Zambales

By | Travel | No Comments

Thanks to Tito Rico for arranging a great boating trip for us.  It was an hour boating ride to Zambales where there was a cove and a beach where we could go to.  We had the beach all to ourselves!! It was beautiful and everyone enjoyed.  The kids were trying to catch crabs, picking up shells and enjoying the clean white sand and clear water by the beach. A priceless experience and another way of appreciating naturezambales1.JPGzambales4.JPGzambales2.JPGzambales5.JPGzambales6.JPGzambales7.JPGzambales8.JPGzambales9.JPGzambales11.JPGzambales10.JPGzambales12.JPG[email_link] 


By | Foodie | 3 Comments

We also had a night to celebrate with our good friend, Jigger, the groom to be.  At the same time, celebrating the arrival of another good friend, Jerome.  So the gang got together at Tosca.  I personally like the restaurant.  It is beautifully done, nice ambience, peaceful and the food is great! Thanks to my friend, Ton and to Elbert for telling us about this place also in Dusit Hotel.   


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