The Little Brown Book 2009

The Little Brown Book is already available.  Get your copies now! 

The new Little Brown Book features an annual planner, updated food directory listings, restaurants and family menus 

Price:  P 399.00

P 100.00 for the Recipe book 

contact cell #:  0905-302-6868 

Previous Entry:  The Little Brown Book September 9, 2007 




  • Ingga Concepcion says:

    Hi Rica. Thank you so much for all you have featured on your website. I’m a busy stay-at-home mom and I really appreciate seeing the comings and goings in the city without the hassles of having to go wherever to check things out. You have made time management so much easier for me. Cheers to you! Keep it up! I always look forward to all your daily updates. More power to you. Ingga Concepcion

  • Rica says:

    Thanks Ingga for your kind words!! Hope you will continue to view Heart2Heart and tell all your family and friends!

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