Merry Christmas from Heart2Heart!

By December 25, 2008 Christmas 5 Comments






  • Vina Monasterio says:

    Congratulations rica and you are doing a great job! I always can’t wait to read your blogs. Thank you.

  • Rica says:

    Thanks Vina for your constant support!!

  • Jenny de Jesus says:

    Merry Christmas, Rica! I always look forward to reading your blogs.

    Thank you and God bless!

  • Wendy says:

    I am sure we aren’t the only ones who enjoy and appreciate your site, dear. Hope you had a happy Christmas and have a great year ahead! Congratulations!

  • Jaime de Jesus says:

    heart2heart has been part of my life, it’s shown be how to live life and enjoy life.
    nothing can ever beat heart2heart. i love you mom. you make me the proudest kid alive.
    ill be waiting for my money 🙂

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