Santa Claus Is Coming To Town

By December 30, 2008 Christmas 5 Comments

 We always enjoy celebrating with Dad and Mom.  Sometimes we take it for granted and just come as guests…. I can’t begin to imagine what preparation they went through to have Christmas lunch with the family.  It was a Santa theme lunch!

And WOW!! Santa really did come to town! 



We started off with a mass by Father Tito Caluag 


Then the Glee Club of San Juan Nepomuceno School from Malibay, Pasay City, came over and did some carolling for the family.  They are one of the Apostolate schools of the religious of the Assumption




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Food catered by Kai.  And finally a photo of the chef, Chef Gilbert Pangilinan 


Dessert spread- a compilation of all the christmas goodies from friends 🙂 


Celebrated the Birthday of Lola Glecy, Mio and Mishcka 


And everyone received gifts from Santa  




  • Jun Lopez says:

    Great share, LOVE!

  • quito lopez says:

    great coverage sis! i love it! im glad to be spending xmas and new years with the genius behind HEART to HEART:) Love you!

  • menchu lopez says:

    Santa Claus is Coming to Town
    Wow Rica, you really take very good photos. It was a big orchestration of preparation but it was worth it and I enjoyed doing it. I am already thinking of what to do next year. Ha…ha…….Thought Santa could have given the gifts to the Malibay kids….they would have loved it…..sayang. next time.I would like to give some photos of the Malibay children to Sister Lydia. Could I order some from you? Thanks.

  • tita tess says:

    dear rica May I have a cd too of these pictures they’re really great….. galeng mo….

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