Thanks to Rookie and Ana for giving us this beautiful book!! It is a great gift and very inspiring indeed! Thanks also to Nicole Olbes-Fandino, Assistant Treasurer of Hands on Manila, for sending me the information.
It is amazing to read the experience of people who have volunteered to help different organizations and foundations. How it has affected their life and how it can make a difference in many other people’s lives. And can you believe that even a dog can volunteer and make a difference? Doctor Una is a dog, a labrador, who volunteers to cheer up children in hospitals. Amazing! And the writing of Butch Jimenez was so very true about being a great leader and he put it so well. Sharing part of what he wrote…
Everyone else had many beautiful things to say and share. Get a copy of this book, read it and share it to as many people as you can. It costs P 250.00 but the effect will be priceless because it will make a difference!
Thanks to Hands on Manila Foundation for doing what you do and for giving everyone a chance to help and volunteer their time to help make this world a better place! 

Taken from Hands on Manila website:

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