Monthly Archives: December 2008

Weekend Brunch at Mamou

By | Foodie | One Comment

As part of my birthday gift to Mom, I wanted to treat her for brunch since I know her favorite meal is  breakfast and eggs benedict. So last Saturday we went to Mamou and I invited my sister as well.  Malou suggested that we go on a Saturday since Sundays can get crowded.  It was a YUMMY and nice brunch with the “sisters”!  People always mistake us as sisters 🙂

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French Press Benguet Coffee 


Egg’s Benedict 


Rau’s Platter 


I love the bacon!! 


Not from the brunch menu- Duck Adobo Flakes 


Tartatan – As Mom describes it – ” TO DIE FOR! ” 



Tenement Feeding Program at Beacon

By | For kids, Giving Back | No Comments

This is one of the reasons I am happy my son is at Beacon.  Beacon has a way of bringing out the creativity in each one which is why there are always great ideas which are not the ordinary or the traditional way of doing things.

Not only are they doing the outreach but they work hard for it too.  They learn not only to share but to be able to share something that you worked hard for or something which you made with your own efforts.  




Dampa by Mall of Asia

By | Foodie | 5 Comments

Thanks to Mart and Sam for inviting us for dinner.  What an adventure to eat “Dampa” style behind Mall of Asia.  Mart bought so much, we had plenty to eat for 6 people.

Looking forward to our next adventure!!

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STEP 1:  Choose/Buy your seafood 


Step 2:  Pick a Restaurant 




Step 3:  Choose how you would like to cook your seafood 

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Step 4:  Eat!  Eat!! and ENJOY!  🙂 


Some mime characters entertaining the diners and the passers by


Some tips:

1.)  When shopping for your seafood, be careful not to point!  Once you point, they will put the item right away in the bag! Rhett ended up buying Salmon when he was just asking how much it was 🙂dampa48.jpg


2.)  When you have chosen the restaurant, Stay outdoors since it is not as crowded as being inside the restaurant.  It won’t be as hot during the evenings so it is more pleasant being outside than inside squeezing with everybody else

3.)  Choice of cooking/”paluto” – Sam suggested that:

a.)  grilled or steamed is the best ( and the healthiest ) way of cooking

b.)  having it buttered or with cheese may not be good because they use margarine as butter and the cheese is just quick melt type so it might not be good.  Rhett’s salmon was buttered and we ended up not eating it, the margarine smell was very strong 


4.)  Tip from Edward – Choose a restaurant with plenty people – that means it is good.  To me, it looked like all the restaurants were full!  🙂




Tillie’s Garden

By | Homes and Interiors, Nature | One Comment

My good friend and neighbor, Tillie, will soon be renovating her house.  So I made sure that I invited myself over to take photos of her beautiful garden which I love so much. I like the animal figurines which she put all over the garden.  Whenever I see her garden from her cozy living room, I feel so happy and peaceful.

I was feeling so bad that it will soon be gone but I am sure she will have a more beautiful one when she has her new home 

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Chef’s Banquet

By | Foodie, What's New at Power Plant Mall | No Comments

I visited Chef’s Banquet last Wednesday and how I wish I did not have a dinner that evening because I wanted to order everything that they had on display!  Their menu this week will be different from last week, so do check it out  


Give in to the mouthwatering samplers as 10 of Power Plant Mall’s restaurants come together in this one-of-a-kind appetizer buffet at the Level P1 Concourse Center Aisles. Chaffing dishes are open from 5PM to 8PM on the first three Wednesdays and Thursdays of December (3-4, 10-11 and 17-18).Choose your favorites from Cafe Mediterranean, Figaro, Kaya, Kulinarya, Myron’s, Piazza Pazzo, Pho24, Sugarhouse, Wild Ginger and Zaifu as they concoct special appetizers only available at the Chef’s Banquet. chefs-banquet-poster.jpg chefs-banquet1.jpgchefs-banquet2.jpgchefs-banquet3.jpgchefs-banquet4.jpg

Chef’s Banquet at the Concourse

 Dates: December 3-4, 10-11, 17-18 (first 3 Wednesdays and Thursdays of December), 5PM-8PM

Venue: P1 Concourse Center Aisle

We will be featuring restaurants from the P1 Concourse Level

The set-up will include a 8 buffet tables which will hold 3 appetizers from each participant and a lounge set-up.

The goal is to recreate a hotel lounge. Furniture is provided by Home Mavericks (exporter based in Cebu)

It is something people can go to after work, sit back, have appetizers and drinks. If they want to have dinner, they can visit the restaurants in the area.

One of the goals is to showcase the wide range of restaurants in the P1 Level.

There are 10 participants. These include:

Café Mediterranean

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Piazza Pazzo

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Wild Ginger




Here are the mechanics:

  1. Customers of the Chef’s Banquet will be given menus as they go through the buffet tables.
  2. Waiters from the participating restaurants are tasked to mark the food items claimed by the customers on the menu. 
  3. 2 cashiers will be stationed at the end of the buffet tables to tally and receive the payment for the customer’s purchases.
  4.   Customers are discouraged from ordering entrees that are not part of the Chef’s Banquet menu. If they seek food from the participating restaurant’s menu, they should be politely advised to dine at that restaurant
  1. All participants (excluding Figaro and Sugarhouse) will contribute 3 appetizers and 1 drink. These may change on a weekly basis.  The appetizers must be easily consumed and should not require full plating.


Happy Birthday Grace!

By | Celebrations | 2 Comments

Not only did we get to see the beautiful home of Lauro and Grace, but we enjoyed a lovely dinner with them and their friends. 

I am getting to know Grace more and more and am happy to know that she and I have a lot in common and I am very fond of her –  we like frozen yogurt, we enjoy having a massage/spa, we like taking photos and documenting our experiences, we both like shopping in Rustan’s and we like travelling with our family.  I hope to get to know her more!  Happy Birthday Grace!!

Thank you for your friendship and for celebrating your birthday with us.   Surely we know that you have many many things to be thankful for as you have been blessed with 30 years of love and happiness!  and may you have many many more!




Lauro prepared everything for the dinner for his beloved, Grace!  What a lucky girl! The first time I met Lauro, I remember he was still courting her and how he was so in love with Grace.  More than 10 years later, now married with two boys, he is even more in love!  🙂










 There were 2 tables for dinner, one in the garden and one in the main dining room 



Serenaded with Jazz music by Vince Lahorra


Food catered by Gaita Fores and Grace added a few of her favorite dishes


The dessert table

After dinner, we all gathered in the kitchen for dessert  

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And being a son of a diplomat, Lauro of course takes after his father and has a speech

The investment banker said that despite the financial crisis and the situation of the stock market, his GREATEST INVESTMENT has always been his wife, GRACE!   

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Yummy home made Ferrero Rocher and New York Cheesecake ice cream 

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 Previous Entries:  

By Ramon Antonio December 7, 2008

Emilio’s 1st Birthday  October 19, 2008
