Christmas Day dinner is a bigger celebration with Lola Charing ( Celebrating Christmas – Visiting Lola January 5, 2009 ). It is a joint celebration with all her sisters and their family. Lola has 5 sisters. Lola Pacit passed away a few years ago and Lola Mameng was not able to join this years celebration so she is not in the photo.
Lola Charing, Lola Nena, Lola Nenet and Lola Lita
I admire my Lola and her sisters! They are so close! They are inseparable! They are not only sisters, but they are best friends! They see each other all the time not to mention, they built their houses right next to each other. They travel together also until now.
I overheard my Lola Charing arriving that evening and she saw one of her sisters and she said ” I love you guid!” And I am sure they just saw each other before that or the day before….I found that so cute of her!
And another amazing fact is that 3 of the sisters married 3 brothers, so three of them have the same family names.
So you can imagine how big our extended family is! AND IT IS SO MUCH FUN!
The Charing Lopez apos…..we are so happy to see Rissa and Empress for Christmas!
Food from Lola’s restaurant, Sousaku ( Sousaku July 1, 2007 and Happy Birthday Margs Sept. 12, 2008 ). Yummy! Of course, patronize your own
Another blockbuster share, LOVE! Great photos as always.
“The Charing Lopez apos…..we are so happy to see Rissa and Empress for Christmas! “- also Tricia