French Women Don’t Get Fat!

Thanks to my friend, Mel, for lending me this book!  I love it!!! It means a lot to me when a friend shares something to help you be healthy! 

Losing weight and eating healthy has to be a lifestyle and a long term commitment and not just a quick diet.  And this book teaches you to lose weight….. and then what to do after that which is for the rest of your life.  Of course, nothing is ever easy so it all depends on us on how committed we are in achieving our goals.  

The book is an easy read and very entertaining as might learn some French even 🙂 Mireille Guillano includes her recipes as well.  By the way, I have already ordered my Cuisipro Donvier Yogurt maker which she recommended so I can have my own homemade yogurt!  I am excited for it to arrive!  

Previous Entry:  Healthy Eating December 3, 2008


Taken from the website: frenchwomenabout.jpgaboutfrenchwomen.jpg




  • lally says:

    Hi Rics,

    Glad you featured the book. I’ve read this plus the follow-up when they just came out and I’ve taken a lot of very practical and effective tips. They’re a constant in our kitchen.

    Hope you enjoy the yogurt maker. I think I’ll get one for Derek to add to his collection of “makers” (e.g. bread, ice cream, waffle, panini, etc.).


  • […] finally received my yogurt maker which I ordered from Amazon. YAY!!! I followed Mireille Guiliano’s ( French Women Don’t Get Fat January 21, 2009 ) recommendation and bought the Cuisipro Donvier Electronic Yogurt Maker.  It works very well an […]

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