Homemade Spanish Dinner

To welcome our good friends who are back from the UK, we hosted a casual dinner for them and some of their friends who have become our good friends too 


I always try to entertain and host at home.  I brag about my cook, Edna, who does wonders for me.  As Suharto says, I just make the menu and my cook executes everything else.  I am so blessed to have her.  Edna was a cook of my Tita Vicky and she told us that her specialty is Paella Negra and Sisig!  IT IS TRUE!  So ever since i hired her 9 years ago, she has been serving that to my friends!  So many have tried these dishes.  She makes everything from scratch.

Iberian Chicken ** Paella * Paella Negra* Calamares 


Sisig!! Not a Spanish dish but can go with the other dishes 🙂 

Believe me, this is the BEST SISIG EVER!!   Very unhealthy so we have it only when friends come over..and only because I am proud of my cook!

It is so crunchy and crispy, it really comes in a sizzling plate!  YUMMY!!!!


Previous Entries:  

Entertaining at Home November 14, 2008

A House with a Personalized Touch August 18, 2007

Blue Leaf August 3, 2007 

Wagyu Tapa Rice March 20, 2007 




  • Tonypet Albano says:

    Hi Rica, looking at these pics reminded me how wonderful, delicious, superb was your dinner. It wasn’t only memorable and fun, it was a truly perfect way of hosting a fabulous dinner and making your guests want to have more. Thank you for inviting me and am looking forward to another round of cooking, drinking, eating, and enjoying your lovely home and parties. God bless your home with more of everything. 😎

  • James O. de Jesus says:

    Hi Tonypet, it was our honor and privilege to have you over for dinner! We always enjoy your company and look forward to our next get together! 🙂

  • Rica says:

    Hi Tonypet, thank you for you kind words. Simple dinner only…

    Leslie cooks very well and we are hoping she will cook again for us. Hint Hint!! 🙂

  • tita tess says:

    Hey Rica, How come you have not invited me your neighbor, to sample your cooks Paella Negra?

  • lilliann says:

    The food looks soo yummy! Can we have this menu for our next dinner gathering at your place? Hahaha, looking forward to it Rics!

  • Rica says:

    Oh no, maybe I should not have featured this! haha!!
    Tita Tess, okay, will invite you over 🙂
    Lils, you have not tried it yet ba?? okay, next time 🙂

  • anne says:

    Hello, just wondering if your cook would like to share her paella negra recipe. I am planning to make your iberian chicken and would like to pair it up with paella negra… Please share? 🙂

  • Rica says:

    I am having my cook write it down already and will share it with you once I have it in writing. I will be posting another Iberian Chicken recipe as well

  • anne says:

    Wow! Thank you very much. Can’t wait to try it this weekend. Another iberian chicken recipe? which is better? the first one you posted or this second one you’re giving away? Thank you very much.. We appreciate you sharing all your wonderful recipes

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