E.T. Party?

Two years ago, Javier wanted an ET party, but since ET was not as popular anymore at that time, it was hard to find ET related/themed merchandise


They were supposed to color their own ET and use it as a decoration for their bag to put all their goodies which I realized was very flimsy and breaks easily


We just wanted a simple celebration so we thought of just sharing the games and things that Javier liked. No party host, no nothing….. Not the normal party kids were expecting…everything just happened spontaneously and it looked like the kids enjoyed!! Javier said it was his BEST party 🙂 which was good enough for us as it was his birthday!




I would buy these party spray for Javier because he liked pretending to be spiderman so it was his ” WEB.”  Bought several for his party and everyone enjoyed spraying each other 


Then we made water balloons which everyone used to attack each other as well  


Since they were all wet and gooey already…they all wanted to jump in the pool!! Which was not part of the agenda so no one had swimming outfits….. so they jumped in with their clothes on!! Good thing the parents who were there were very cooperative and let their kids jump in!

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So then I had to think of swimming games…. 


 There was a CANDY BUFFET since Javier loves ( and still does until now ) candy…anyone could just get what they want


 Then the cake blowing

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The last part was a floor filled with balloons and candies and toys for the kids to grab and take home  

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  • Tina Norton says:

    That was a really fun party!

  • Margarette says:

    Seeing these pictures makes me want to be a kid again…

    Sometimes parties like this one need not to have a party host to make it more fun… The kids definitely made it a spontaneous one and really showed how they can have some fun without a party host.

  • Miguel says:

    Wow, time flies by so fast, doesn’t it? It was as if Javier’s party just happened yesterday. Thank you, Tita, for posting this on your site. It brings back good memories.

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