Aunty Remy’s 75th Birthday

By January 25, 2009 Celebrations 2 Comments

Aunty Remy’s definitely does not look 75 years old… she is looking young and strong as ever…She has a walking group that she walks with in the mornings and she still goes to the gym to keep in shape.  She is very active travelling to see her family abroad, she runs her household and takes care of her grandchildren.  Aside from that, she takes care of Dad, her brother.  Dad is so lucky to have a sister that takes care of him.. 


It was  nice for Rainier to surprise his Mom on her special day!  We were all surprised too when we found out he came all the way from the States for just a week to spend time with his Mom….

Happy Birthday Aunty Remy!! 


Uncle Ray and Aunty Remy join us in our Sunday family lunch and they take turns too with the kids in hosting.  And Aunty Remy prepares almost everything from her kitchen… This is how she celebrated her birthday with us.  Thank you Aunty Remy!


Previous Entry:  Uncle Ray and Aunty Remy October 8, 2008 




  • Arlene Maslog says:

    I love your aunt’s house, Rica. It’s simple yet very elegant, She must really be a remarkable lady.

  • Remy Reyes says:

    Thanks so much Rica. How can we document all these happy memories without you?!!!

    I always look forward to our Sunday Lunch and feel like I am miss something important if I can not make it.. I enjoy our exchange of stories especially James’ comments and jokes.

    It is indeed a pleasure for me and a great way to keep me productively busy and happy to be able to do whatever I am capable of doing for the family (that includes Dikong and all of you). It is still
    in my Wish List for Rainier and family to come back here to the Philippines!


    Aunty Remy

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