Kiryu New Year’s Dinner

By January 28, 2009 Foodie, Travel 2 Comments

For New Year’s Eve, we wanted to celebrate in a good restaurant in Osaka…It is quite difficult since some close early and some are not even opened 


Aside from that, is hard to find a restaurant that will allow you to bring your wines, so James searched all over for a restaurant that would allow and at the same time have good food… so we were lucky to have found this TEPPANYAKI restaurant which was in an Italian hotel by the train station. WOW! What a great Teppanyaki experience!!


They even had a Sommelier! 


Yum Yum! Crispy fried garlic 


 Lobster Sashimi


All the raw ingredients prepared for cooking 



Since we were the only ones in the restaurant, We had 4 chefs cooking for us.  I think it was more because they wanted us to eat fast so they could go home and celebrate with their families 🙂 But I think it was just right because they had to cook many different dishes for everyone so it was an efficient way to do it


In Japan, they take everything seriously!!  Every detail is always thought out so well.   

These prawns were still alive and so fresh  


 This is the head and the legs which they still cook and make it so well that it tastes so good!


The steaks!  Paul had asked the chef what kind of beef, and the chef said a name which I cannot remember, but apparently it is even better than Kobe.  It was really good!! 

years-dinner-18.jpg years-dinner-19a.jpgyears-dinner-20.jpg 

Freshly grated wasabi!!  Each one had their own


Take note of the set up for the steak 



My order, foie gras teppanyaki!! This is really just a side order, but this was already my main




And this Japanese fried rice was so unique!!!! First time for me to see this way of cooking.  That is the “tutong”.  


This version – they purposely make the tutong..they get part of the rice and they flatten it and make it fried till it is brown and crispy…


they even put some kind of sauce on it 



After which they cut it into pieces and put it as topping for the fried rice 


Nothing goes to waste…Lobster Miso made out of the parts that were removed from the Teppanyaki Lobster


And this dessert!! Wow! It came with Mom’s set dinner! 




  • mich says:

    The dishes looks so small that I would consider them appetizers. So, when is the main dish coming? 😛

  • Rica says:

    You are right about the portions. I think that is how the Japanese really are. And personally, I like small portions as you get to enjoy a little of everything. Also, some of these dishes were part of a set dinner meal which had several dishes from appetizer to salad, main, soup till dessert which explains the small portions. Sorry I was not able to organize them anymore. I just took dishes left and right.

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