Accupleasure Head Massager

We gave out this head gadget for Christmas to some friends and many were asking where we got it…Heart2Heart would like to share this with you….try it and you might like it too 

The best way is to have someone else do it to you.  Try it also when you are very tired…suddenly you will want to just have an Accupleasure head massage! 

Available at Essenses at Rustan’s 


Head Massager gently stimulates millions of nerve endings on the scalp, as well as acupressure points that create a pleasant tingling sensation.

This process will ensure an endless release of endorphins, the body’s own natural painkiller. Head Massager will provide a soothing pleasurable feeling while you relax. Some claim it eliminates headaches on the spot. You will love the tingly sensation of head massager! Enjoy.






  • Margarette says:

    I have one too at home… it’s really really relaxing!!!

    I tried bringing it here in the office and a lot of my colleagues asked me where I got it… 😀

  • Ana says:

    hi. may i ask how much this is? thanks!

    btw, i love all your posts. thanks for being so generous in sharing your great finds & different experiences =)

  • Rica says:

    Hi Ana! Thank you very much for viewing Heart2Heart!
    The head massager costs P 195.00 only
    I just passed by Rustan’s Essenses and they have new stock that just arrived. It was sold out during Christmas.

  • That ‘s a very reasonable price. Guess, it could also be a practical gift item for people who are always on the go…thus stressed out. I wonder if this head massager could also be a cure for alopecia…

  • Cat says:

    Does Essenses in Shangrila have it?

  • Rica says:

    Yes Yes, Shangri-la was the store that had stock. Makati is still waiting for their stocks to arrive since they have sold out.

  • daphne says:

    195 is a good price. i got them for 600 each two years ago. gave them as presents and they were a big hit. i researched online and found that in some places this head massager is called “the orgasmatron” haha

    love your blog!

  • miel says:

    this is also available in humor post 🙂

  • hazel says:

    Is it ok if I use this even if I’m pregnant?

  • Rica says:

    Hi Hazel, I am not sure…..

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