Monthly Archives: January 2009

Tokyo Disney Sea

By | For kids, Travel | No Comments

When in Tokyo with the kids, there is Tokyo Disneyland and Tokyo Disney Sea.  We went a few days after Christmas and it was a big mistake.  There were just too many people.  But take note that no matter how many people there are, the Japanese are very disciplined and still remain quiet.  

All the rides had long lines.  One of the major attractions which was Journey to the Center of the Earth was a 240 minute wait.  There is a sign outside every ride which tells you the wait per ride.  There was nothing below 100 plus minutes.   

Nevertheless, it is always nice to be with the family in Disneyland! 

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20,000 Leagues Under the Sea – We lined up for a fast pass for this so we were able to ride this after 2 hours and then later on realized that the first ride we should have lined up for was the Journey to the Center of the Earth 🙁  so we missed it 


No one was brave enough to ride this….good thing the lines were long 🙂 



Even to buy drinks and food, there is a line. We had to line up to buy churros and a drink! There seems to be a line for everything in Japan… 


There are two areas which are mainly for young children- Arabian Coast and Mermaid Lagoon 


In the Mermaid Lagoon, there is an indoor part which is a bit dark and there are rides for kids 

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Yay! we got to ride another ride! 🙂 Lines were not as long in the Mermaid Lagoon but it still took us 30 minutes to line up for this ride! 


website:  Tokyo Disney Sea 



100 Yen Store

By | Shopping, Travel | 8 Comments

And if you are lucky to bump into a 100 yen store, even better!!  They have many many things all for a 100 yen!! That is around P 56.00 ( exchange rate 85 yen to US$1 = P48 ).  For Japan, believe me that is cheap because everything else is expensive!  So I let my son go wild in this store and he does- I tell him to buy anything he wants!  🙂 It is his favorite store!

We saw around 3 of them and we found Daiso ( website:  Daiso ) to be the best among all since it had more assortment.  Daiso has around 2,500 stores around Japan.  In Daiso and another store, they say 105 yen which should include taxes. Hmmm…

 In the Japan Home Center here in the Philippines ( Everything P 88.00 ), they have a Daiso section for P 66.00 


These are photos are from different 100 yen shops 


Oh my gosh! They had a section for Heart2Heart!  🙂 



Convenience stores

By | Travel, Yummy! | 7 Comments

And if drinks from vending machines are not enough, there are many many convenience stores around the city!! Round the clock 24 hours! Like having Starbucks in every block 🙂 Lawson has the best selection among the ones we have been to.  I wish COOP ( Sango and Coop March 1, 2007 ) ( New Snack Discoveries at Coop March 28, 2008 ) were still open 🙁



Candy, Chocolates and junk food galore!! As usual attractive packaging and so many to choose from! 


James’ favorite – Crispy Caramel Sandwich from Haagen Dazs.  Acoording to him “THE BEST!” 



Haagen Dazs flavors not found in Manila yet 


Go crazy over all the japanese frozen delights!!!!!!!! 


Even Royce ice cream!   


Heart2Heart’s favorite, PINO!  Ice cream covered with chocolate 


Mochi with ice cream inside 

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Vending Machines

By | Travel | One Comment

Walking around Japan, you will see many vending machines selling all kinds of drinks….even the kids go crazy when they see them because they have hot chocolate, fanta grape or orange and even hot corn soup! It was so cold that when you see these machines they are like a life saver!  Sometimes, I just borrow the cans and hold them to keep my hands warm 🙂 

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Even ice cream!!!  The kids still buy some even in the freezing cold! 


Even in amusement parks, vending machines to sell drinks!  at double the price 🙂 





Mitsukoshi Food Hall

By | Foodie, Travel | 4 Comments

When in Japan, we do mostly window shopping and you cannot imagine how much our eyes buy by just looking at all the many things to see.  Japanese really spend a lot on packaging and presentation.  In the department stores, there is one or two floors of food in their basement.  And WOW!  The food just looks all so YUMMY!  For Philippine standards, their products are expensive but to them, it does not seem so.  It is always jam packed with people…dsc_7827.JPG

Their pastries always look so pretty and so good to eat!! and with all that FRESH FRUITS! 

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Bakeries like these are all over Japan and they have a great selection of breads…  


This looks like a flat bread with cheese!  Looks YUMMY!! 


And many food to go counters… 

UNAGI ( Eel) 




There was a long line going around the escalator – really long line!  I went to see what they were lining up for and it was this!  I wonder what it is.  It looks like a Brazo de Mercedez?  It looks like cream inside a roll…I was so curious what it was but had no time to line up!  The line seemed to never end 


These are our favorite Yoku Moku rolled cookies- it is like lenguas de gato but rolled.  Then this Almond leaf – it is a crispy cracker with sugar and almonds on it! YUMMY!!!! 


OH MY GOSH!! FROZEN YOGURT!!!! Of course we had to get some!  This was a gelateria and yogurt place so they were selling also gelato 


Interesting frozen yogurt!!! with fresh fruits and then syrup lined on the sides 


And WOW!!! Look how they display their fresh vegetables!!!! It’s a work of art!!!!  And the vegetables are so nicely packaged and you won’t see a single speck of dirt on them! They look so perfect! 


And their seafood and meat section…also WOW!!! 


Look at those gigantic crab legs! 


Sashimi to go- looks soooo fresh! 



BIC Camera Store

By | Photography, Shopping, Travel | One Comment

Japan is the land of gadgets and electronics!  Wow!! And this store is just so amazing because it is a one stop destination for many many gadgets! Problem would be that the instructions and everything written on it in Japanese.  Hmmm… But never mind, just tinker with all the gadgets- they have a sample of everything and you can test and try them out…I wish I took photos inside the storedsc_7893.JPG 

A giant 103 inch LCD screen for five million yen – that is around  US$ 59,000.00 


A refrigerator with so many doors!!!  


The store guide of the store we went to…just to give you an idea of what is inside the store! You will go crazy! 


For more information on store locations and floor guide per store:  BIC CAMERA STORE GUIDE



By | Foodie, Travel | 4 Comments

Dad and Mom’s favorite Shabu Shabu restaurant in Tokyo 


Wine brought by James all the way from Manila, just pay corkage


We ordered more of the lunch courses which were complete meals already… 


Their tomatoes are so red, juicy and really FRESH!! 


Quito ate all the beef already before I could take it, so this is just the cooker and cooking a few of the vegetables


Sorry about the menus, the hardest to take photos of.  Especially in Japan where they think I am spying on their restaurant…how do i explain my website to them?  🙂 

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Best of Heart2Heart 2008

By | Best of | One Comment

1.)  Antonio-Muñoz Wedding

Wedding of the “Century” Part 1 – Arrival and Rehearsal Dinner Nov. 7 


Wedding of the “Century” Part 2 – Church Wedding  Nov. 8


Jigger and May by Jason Magbanua 


Wedding of the “Century” Part 3 – Reception 


Wedding of the “Century” Part 4 – David Morales  


Wedding of the Century- Part 5  Luau and Dinner 


2.)  Race for Tubbataha March 3 


3.)   Garage Sale by Tessa  May 23 


4.)  Homes

by Ed Calma July 6 



by Ramon Antonio December 7 


by George Yulo December 21 


5.)  Weddings

Kierulf- Cojuangco Wedding May 18 



Lopez – Albert Wedding  April 30 


Huang- Yap Wedding September 13 


6.)  Birthday Parties

Emilio’s 1st Birthday October 19 


Happy Birthday Luis and Ariana – May 9 


7.)  Little Apprentice December 28


8.)  Pink Kitchen 2008 October 26


9.)  Banana Republic Now in the Philippines May 12


10.)   Pepper Lunch May 16


11.)  Danni’s BBQ Birthday June 12


12.)  The Round Dining Table July 22


13.)  Does Edward Cullen Exist? November 27 


14.)  The Best Sansrivals May 2


15.)  Iberian Chicken from Bettina’s Kitchen  July 1


16.)  Visiting the Baker’s Dozen at Power Plant Mall September 17


17.) Your Search for the Perfect Gift Ends Here October 23


18.)   Don’t Stop Believing July 6 

19.)   “Pagpag” for Sale August 25

20.)  Miguel’s Healing Powers January 27, 2008


Previous Entry:  Best of Heart2Heart 2007 January 2, 2008