Monthly Archives: January 2009

Celebrating Christmas – Mass and Noche Buena

By | Christmas | 8 Comments

After visiting Lola Charing ( Celebrating Christmas- Visiting Lola ), we go to Lolo Benny.  

If there is one day in the year that Lolo makes sure that he is in the country to spend time with the family, it is on Christmas Day.  No matter where in the world he is, he makes sure to come home to celebrate Christmas Day with us.  So you can imagine how special this day is for us, so, we too make sure we celebrate with him.  

Christmas is the most important day of the year as it is the birthday of Christ….it is a GRAND celebration! 

 Last year Tita Nena took care of the preparations, and this year it was Tita Len.  Mom is claiming to take her turn already 🙂

Previous entry: Noche Buena – December 30, 2007 

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We always start with a mass… 


Father Caluag  


Then we have Noche Buena 

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Then at midnight we open our gifts  

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Then when Lolo goes to sleep and some of the parents leave, the grandkids have Bingo games…everyone makes sure to wait for this to win some prizes 🙂 



Celebrating Christmas – Visiting Lola

By | Christmas | 2 Comments

After dinner ( Celebrating Christmas- Dinner ) we head out to Lola Charing’s house for Noche Buena.  For the past two years we have been going early to greet Lola.  We usually go after midnight and get to see the cousins but due to conflict in schedules, we have to come earlier.  The most important thing is that we want to and make sure that we greet Lola for Christmas…


Lola always prepares noche buena…with the help of Tita Rose, we are fortunate to partake of her yummy preparations 


Tita Rose prepares this really special and unique fruit salad!  IT IS THE BEST!!  It is frozen and I taste some queso de bola cheese in it!  YUMMY!!!  Even if I am satisfied from dinner, I still make sure I eat this during our visit to Lola 


And she makes a YUMMY hot chocolate which everyone also makes sure they drink 




Celebrating Christmas – Dinner

By | Christmas | 2 Comments

Just the beginning of our Christmas Tradition….Dinner on the eve of Christmas

Previous Entry:  Christmas Dinner December 27, 2008 

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Christmas Spread contributed by every family  

Smoked Salmon from Tito Serge and Tita Bettina **Salad by John and Keena** Turkey by Uncle Rey and Aunty Remy and Tammy and Dina ** Lasagna by John and Keena**Steak by Gerry and Tina**Prawn with Mascarpone Sauce by James and Rica**Homemade ice cream and all desserts by Gerry and Tina**Wine by Gerry and James  

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Starbucks Red Cups

By | Christmas, What's New at Starbucks? | 16 Comments

I enjoyed doing this christmas promotion for Starbucks!  I stuck this magnetic red cup on top of my car which made it look like I forgot my cup on top of my roof.  So, you can imagine everyone who saw it and were panicking that it would fall off.  There were many reactions – panic looks, some just stare at it, others try to call my attention…and the best reaction is the SMILE after they find out…I wish I could have captured all the moments, but I was driving most of the time so it was quite difficult to take photos.

Heart2Heart loves Starbucks! Because whenever there is Starbucks, there is CHEER!  There is LAUGHTER!  There is a feeling of warmth and comfort!  Whenever there is Starbucks…There is LOVE and JOY! 


 In Manila Polo Club

Mostly all the guards called my attention…after awhile…it was like I was “the boy who cried wolf!”  🙂  But what was nice was that everytime I would pass the guards, they would always SMILE 🙂 


Even Dad called my attention 🙂 


Mc Kinley, Forbes Park 


Ayala Avenue 


This guy was really really worried!! I am glad I took his photo 


Rockwell – the guard smiling in the corner – like he knew already about the RED CUP 


In Edsa 


White Plains area 




Hmmm…cousins all coming out of the house to see the red cup…Ria must have told them 🙂 

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Nay’s House, Tarlac

By | Foodie, Travel | 8 Comments

Thanks Tita Isabel and Isa for hosting a great dinner in Nay’s house during our Tarlac visit. This is my first time to have the real Kapampangan food.   It was really delicious.  Makes me love Filipino food even more. 

Nay’s house also won 1st Place in the Monumental category of Belenismo.  Congratulations!


Last year’s visit, 2007 



This year’s visit, 2008.  I think I was so hungry that I did not get to take proper photos. I did not even take the photo of the YUMMY Homemade Buko sherbet that they had which I had two servings of 🙂


Their version of paella – it was like suman type. Interesting!  

