Cozy Spa at Home

By February 16, 2009 Spas 3 Comments

My gradeschool friend, Jin Jin, gave me a call a few days ago and she informed me about her new business which she had just started.  Of course I was very happy for her and even happier to find out it is a SPA business!!  She introduced me to her business and I was able to try out the service. I sometimes call for a home massage, but now I am happy to know that COZY SPA is owned by a friend who I trust and know! I have tried other home massage services and Jin’s has a unique offering


 I find the prices very reasonable! and her services are a little more than an hour. Usually the others offer only by the hour.  That extra 15 minutes is a lot especially when you are relaxing already.  I had the East Meets West and the Sole Food To Go


I am nagging Jin Jin to service the Makati area!  She said that she will accept outside the coverage area as long as you request for two or more treatments in one call. YAY!!!! So, TRY IT OUT NOW!!!

She had this lavender eye mask to cover your eyes while having your massage 


And her massage oils which she makes herself – Lavender, Eucalyptus and Willow and Chamomille.  I tried the Willow and Chamomille  




  • cecile says:

    i wanna try. I’ll email you.

  • Rica says:

    I just had the hot stone massage! Enjoyed it of course! Good thing a Heart2Heart viewer called for Makati and I just joined! I told Jin everytime there is a Makati customer, I will just join in the trip 🙂

  • Pia Bernardino says:

    Bong and I will definitely go there if we visit and I will also spread the word to my other friends about your spa. Cool!

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