Monthly Archives: February 2009

Baker’s Dozen Celebrates Valentines

By | Valentine's Day, What's New at Power Plant Mall | 2 Comments

I went to Power Plant Mall last Friday and checked out the Baker’s Dozen.  I was there to look for their HEART items! Heart2Heart goes crazy when she sees miniheartsmilingimages1.jpgminiheartsmilingimages1.jpgminiheartsmilingimages1.jpg!


Heart shaped sylvannas!!! First time to see sylvannas in my favorite shape! I love sylvannas which is a version of my favorite sansrival! 

bakers-dozen-valentine-4.jpgbakers-dozen-valentine-5.jpgbakers-dozen-valentine-6.jpg bakers-dozen-valentine-7a.jpgbakers-dozen-valentine-8.jpgbakers-dozen-valentine-9.jpgbakers-dozen-valentine-10.jpgbakers-dozen-valentine-11.jpgbakers-dozen-valentine-12.jpg bakers-dozen-valentine-14.jpgbakers-dozen-valentine-15.jpg

Heart Macarons!! Pink ones too!! 


Baker’s Dozen is still ongoing till the 15th of February!


 Previous Entries:

Baker’s Dozen Sept. 21, 2007

Visiting the Baker’s Dozen Sept. 17, 2008 


A Unique Valentine’s Offering

By | Great Ideas, Valentine's Day | 2 Comments

I heard about this Valentine offering from my friend, Miguel.  Wow!! First time for me to hear about a Valentine offer like this.  I think it is very unique and very personalized and more intimate!  For those that do not want to crowd in a restaurant…I think this Valentine experience is a GREAT IDEA! They set up the dinner table in your room – 5 course! LOVE THE IDEA!

I have not been to the hotel yet nor tried the food but I would like to one of these days. Miguel told me that the Chef is the former Chef of Prince Albert which is one of our favoriteshotelcelestepromo4.jpg

 Taken from their website:hotel-celeste-20090211home.jpghotelceleste-aboutus.jpg hotelceleste15.jpghotelceleste5.jpghotel-celeste-20090211.jpg 


How Can I Not Love You

By | Heart Songs | 4 Comments


by Joyce Enriquez

 from a beautiful movie Anna and the King


cannot touch

cannot hold

cannot be together

cannot love

cannot kiss

cannot have each other

must be strong

and we must let go

cannot say what our hearts must know

how can I not love you


what do I tell my heart

when do I not want you

here in my arms

how does one waltz away from all of the the memories

how do I not miss you when you’re gone


cannot dream

cannot share

sweet and tender moments

cannot feel how we feel

must pretend it’s over

must be brave and we must go on

must not say what we’ve known all along

how can I not love you




what do I tell my heart

when do I not want you

here in my arms

how does one waltz away from all of the the memories

how do I not miss you when you’re gone

how can I not love you


must be brave and we must be strong

cannot say what we’ve known all along

how can i not love you

why do i tell my heart

when do i not want you here in my arms

how does one waltz away from all of the memories

how do i not miss you when you are gone

how can i not love you…when you are gone?



Wedding Proposal by computer

By | Bridal | 8 Comments

I received an engagement announcement via email from my friend Neng.  I thought it was quite a unique proposal so I asked permission from Neng if I could share it here at Heart2Heart 


Here is the video Mark showed Neng… so if you want to see how Mark looks this video miniheartsmilingimages.jpgminiheartsmilingimages.jpg

Teasing you only Mark, it was a very unique idea!  Congrats to Mark and Neng!  Another Boracay Wedding in August!



Valentine’s day 2009 Menus

By | Foodie, Valentine's Day | No Comments

Here are some of the Valentine menus I received from the different restos….. 



Previous Entry:  Aubergine February 5, 2008 




Previous Entry:  Swiss Inn May 20, 2008 



Previous Entry:  Restaurant 101 August 7, 2007 




Previous Entry:  Myron’s Place June 3, 2008 



Previous Entry:  Elbert’s Steakroom Sept. 18, 2007 

 Elbert’s Lunch at Steak Room April 2, 2008



Previous Entries:  Cirkulo November 26, 2007

Azuthai July 3, 2008

Tsukiji January 17, 2009




Previous Entry:  CAV January 20, 2008 







Previous Entries:  Mezza Luna’s New Menu July 8, 2008 

Mezza Luna Turns 1 September 25, 2007 
