Johnson’s Baby Cologne

I remember when i used to study and live in Spain, we would go crazy over all the Spanish colognes they had there and it came in really gigantic bottles.  Johnson’s also had a Spanish version of the baby colognes and that was the most popular.  Though there are many other good ones like De Ne Nes, Para Mi Bebe, S3, Fa and many more. 

Johnson’s came up with local versions several years back and they are now available in many scents. They only come in one size of 125 ml compared to the 500 ml and 750 ml in Spain.  So when I buy I buy 5 to 6 at a time!


I have a personal preference among the scents and it is called Tropical burst.  I think that it is the most saleable among all too because it is always the one that runs out the fastest in the shelf. 


Hurry buy it now while it is 5 times the points at Rustan’s!!




  • Rosa says:

    I love the Denenes, Para mi bebe, Nenuco, and of course, Johnson’s too. You can find the large bottle of
    Johnson’s Cologne from Spain at


  • Georgina Saldana says:

    Johnson was always the best for me.. I lived in Peru my all life and used to use Johnson all the time, now.. I do live in Germany and my mom have to send me always “Johnson”.
    Where can i found this product in Germany??
    I still using it!!.. I LOVE IT!!..

  • Yulunda says:

    What I’am looking for is the JONHSON’S BABY COLOGNE in the beige or tan bottle and whats the name of the colonge. I want to find it and purchase it.

  • where can I find these products in nagoya says:

    I want to get these from nagoya or tokiyo .where can i get these products from?

  • christina says:

    I am looking to buy baby cologne butnot having uch luck.

  • sano says:

    I want these! ?_?

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