More Heart Gifts

There is so much hearts_thumb.png and LOVE at Heart2Heart!!! 🙂

People were asking if it was my birthday when I posted HEART GIFTS ( February 15, 2009 ).  No, it was not my birthday…in fact, that is what makes the gifts for meaningful to me because they thought of me even when there was no occassion 🙂 It’s Valentine’s Day everyday at Heart2Heart! Thank you to everyone for bringing love and HEARTS and MORE HEARTS to HEART2HEART!


Thank you to my friend, Cecile, owner of Pepper Lunch, famous writer from the Philippine Star and known as CHUVANESS for introducing Heart2Heart to her readers! and for the HEART chairs!  I was also so amused at her blog entry POST-VALENTINE POST 


I am so happy to receive emails and messages from viewers of Heart2Heart!  They brighten up my day with their kind words, they share with me more tips and therefore have more things to share. I received this note from Mae and it brightened up my day.  Another HEART gift 🙂


Thank you Mae for the beautiful heart candy for Heart2Heart!!!For those that want to make their own HEART CANDY, click on this to go to the website:candyheartwebsite.jpg  

and another HEART GIFT from Mariel Dueñas



From Rachelle Wenger – a beautiful belt she bought from a common friend of ours, Lilli Ann


From Dennis Gatuslao – She gave this to me almost two years ago – it is animated and you can see it now on top of Heart2Heart’s website with the dancing hearts


 Then just recently I got another beautiful gift from her!! Thanks Denise! It is so nice!!!!!!!!! I will figure out how I can use it in the website


From my son

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From my friend, Rina.  She gave this to me a long time ago, I kept it in my closet because I was saving it to use it.  Well, I brought it out and now will be using it. 


From my friend Eds, Thanks for thinking of me all the way from Madrid.  I  hearts_thumb.png Madrid too!!! 


From Margarette 




Previous Entry:  Heart Gifts February 15, 2009 



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