Condura Run 2009 by Ton Concepcion


Congratulations to Ton Concepcion on another successful race!!  Ton told me that last year there were around 2,000 plus  participants, this year it almost tripled to around 6,500. WOW!!! I could not recognize anyone in the crowd due to the thousands of people running!  And I apologize for the poor photos as I had a hard time shooting against the sun so i had to edit some photos and then they became blurred. I gave up for awhile but then went back to the finish line to meet the 21k runners who i thought deserved to be greeted in the finish line!  Congratulations to everyone who joined and helped make this a successful event!

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For results, click below to go to the website:condurarunresults.jpg


Previous Entry:  Race for Tubbataha March 3, 2008 


I Am Running to Make a Child Smile March 9, 2009 


Condura Run 2009 February 21, 2009 



  • Everyone :-) says:

    Sandra Jalbuena at 4:02pm March 27
    Rica, you were still able to take really nice shots! galing! 🙂

    Rica Araneta at 12:14am March 28
    Thanks for posting Rica and for all your support! Why didn’t I see you?

    Rica Araneta at 12:22am March 28
    ooo.I saw my photo. I look so serious running the 3k!!!

    Rica Lopez De Jesus at 7:36am March 28
    Thanks Sandra! There were so many photographers that at one point I stopped na…. then I went back to the finish line to take again 🙂
    Rica, You were hiding nga form the camera eh 🙂 i had a hard time taking your photo when you were reaching the finish line 🙂

    Rica Araneta at 3:27pm March 28
    yes I think I was concentrating too much on finishing the race (not being the kulelat) and watching my Natalia.

    Ton Concepcion at 12:54am March 29
    thanks Rica for being our “official photographer”. thanks for inspiring people to run and to race at condura through your beautiful pics! thank again always for the support!

  • Jun Lopez says:

    Looks like the whole universe was there for the wonderful cause!
    Congrats and God Bless, Ton Concepcion.

  • quito says:

    you can tell the pros from the cons hahahahha! but great photos and coverage as usual from my sister!

  • Hi Tito Jun – your welcome – thanks for the support and hope to see you run next year!

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