Monthly Archives: March 2009

Condura Run 2009 by Ton Concepcion

By | Events and Launches, Green, Health and Fitness | 4 Comments


Congratulations to Ton Concepcion on another successful race!!  Ton told me that last year there were around 2,000 plus  participants, this year it almost tripled to around 6,500. WOW!!! I could not recognize anyone in the crowd due to the thousands of people running!  And I apologize for the poor photos as I had a hard time shooting against the sun so i had to edit some photos and then they became blurred. I gave up for awhile but then went back to the finish line to meet the 21k runners who i thought deserved to be greeted in the finish line!  Congratulations to everyone who joined and helped make this a successful event!

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For results, click below to go to the website:condurarunresults.jpg


Previous Entry:  Race for Tubbataha March 3, 2008 


I Am Running to Make a Child Smile March 9, 2009 


Condura Run 2009 February 21, 2009 



By | Foodie | One Comment

Tired of the usual offerings of the metro? Looking for something hip with a slice of posh? If you’re craving for a sumptuous dinner over good conversation, then Aquaknox restaurant in Makati is the place to go.  With their delectable array of seafood cuisine well renowned in Beverly Hills, you can have a taste of 90210 right in Makati.  They had just opened two weeks ago and have recently started opening for lunch a few days ago.  

Thanks to Danny Vu and Natasha Morse who decided to bring one-of-a-kind Vietnamese concoctions savored by Filipinos here and abroad.  Their signature dishes, “Cua Rang Moui Toi” and Bong’s Vietnamese garlic pasta are sure to be hits among diners.


 “I’m pretty confident that seafood lovers in Manila will savor our uniquely sumptuous dishes and fall in love with it,” says Danny Vu, Executive chef and managing partner of Aquaknox  restaurant. 



Wine Room – Soon they will introduce a Wine Pairing menu 


Marlo Mauricio,  Food and Beverage Manager 


Prawns and Mango Salad 


Vietnamese Spring Rolls and Crispy Imperial Rolls


Salt and Pepper Calamari 


 Beef Satay with Lemongrass


Hanoi Fillet of Fish with Fresh Dill and side of Sauteed Bean Sprouts 


Caramelized Prawns with Aquaknox Special Sauce 


Aquaknox Special Garlic noodles – A MUST side dish with the crab or a side dish for any!!  I could eat this alone! YUMMY!!!


 “Cua Rang Moui Toi” Aquaknox Crab – Crabs are from Surigao- YUMMY!!  You can even order it deboned for an additional P 150.00 which I will try the next time when I go back.  But then again… the fun of eating the crab is using your hands!! right?  🙂


Yummy garlic sauce- make sure to dip your crab here!!!



They also have a lunch menu with lunch specials.  You can have a meal like this for only P 285.00 



Francis Sison, Sales, Marketing and Events Manageraquanox-29.jpg

Aquaknox Restaurant is located on 800 Arnaiz Ave. (corner Amorsolo), Makati City

For reservations, contact +6328943380 or +639285240218


California Berry

By | Yummy! | 2 Comments

Another brand of frozen yogurt!! I saw it while driving down Ortigas Ave. last year and then now they have a branch in Paseo Center.  This is my sister Margs’ favorite brand because she says it is more tangy…Two months ago, I went to get some and even took home some 

Taken from their website: 

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website:  California Berry

Ipanema GB Seeds Collection

By | Fashion, Giving Back, Green | 3 Comments

Of course I bought a pair of GB sandals during Walk the Green Mile to support Haribon Foundation and the event….


…and because I loved the sandals and flip flops of the whole line! Hmmm… was hard to choose which one I wanted…they were all nice  


Then finally I decided, I wanted this!!


because I wanted to feel like I was Giselle 🙂  


But it was not yet available, so I got this which I truly truly love…the fit and I still sort of feel like I guess it’s okay 🙂 Perfect for the summer…will buy another pair for me and my Mom 


Ipanema GB Seeds Collection for women, now available in the following stores: SM Department Store, Shoe Salon, Chocolate Clothing Company, Red Alert, Landmark, Freeway, Planet Sports, Crossings, Chimes Davao, 25th Avenue Square Naga, Basix Bacolod and other boutiques nationwide.  


Walk the Green Mile by Ipanema

By | Events and Launches, Fashion, Giving Back, Green | 2 Comments

Congratulations to Patxi Elizalde on a successful event!  We will walk as many miles as you want us to…… to support your cause! Thank you for inviting us to be part of your event!  

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A pair of Giselle sandals signed by Giselle herself was raffled off.   Only 10 in the world! Lucky winner!


Previous Entry:  Walk the Green Mile March 18, 2009


More Heart Gifts

By | Valentine's Day | 3 Comments

There is so much hearts_thumb.png and LOVE at Heart2Heart!!! 🙂

People were asking if it was my birthday when I posted HEART GIFTS ( February 15, 2009 ).  No, it was not my birthday…in fact, that is what makes the gifts for meaningful to me because they thought of me even when there was no occassion 🙂 It’s Valentine’s Day everyday at Heart2Heart! Thank you to everyone for bringing love and HEARTS and MORE HEARTS to HEART2HEART!


Thank you to my friend, Cecile, owner of Pepper Lunch, famous writer from the Philippine Star and known as CHUVANESS for introducing Heart2Heart to her readers! and for the HEART chairs!  I was also so amused at her blog entry POST-VALENTINE POST 


I am so happy to receive emails and messages from viewers of Heart2Heart!  They brighten up my day with their kind words, they share with me more tips and therefore have more things to share. I received this note from Mae and it brightened up my day.  Another HEART gift 🙂


Thank you Mae for the beautiful heart candy for Heart2Heart!!!For those that want to make their own HEART CANDY, click on this to go to the website:candyheartwebsite.jpg  

and another HEART GIFT from Mariel Dueñas



From Rachelle Wenger – a beautiful belt she bought from a common friend of ours, Lilli Ann


From Dennis Gatuslao – She gave this to me almost two years ago – it is animated and you can see it now on top of Heart2Heart’s website with the dancing hearts


 Then just recently I got another beautiful gift from her!! Thanks Denise! It is so nice!!!!!!!!! I will figure out how I can use it in the website


From my son

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From my friend, Rina.  She gave this to me a long time ago, I kept it in my closet because I was saving it to use it.  Well, I brought it out and now will be using it. 


From my friend Eds, Thanks for thinking of me all the way from Madrid.  I  hearts_thumb.png Madrid too!!! 


From Margarette 




Previous Entry:  Heart Gifts February 15, 2009 
