I am very, very, very rich!!!!!!!

Before the day ends, I would like to boast to everyone that I am very, very, very rich!  I cannot even measure how rich I am!!!!

Some viewers of Heart2Heart are expecting me to feature my special day and what I did….however,  today I did not take any photos …… yet even if I have nothing to feature, it has been a very, very, very happy birthday for me.

So far, I am high with all the greetings and love from family and friends via text, phone calls, emails, and greetings from facebook.  I am grateful to have had visited my Lola, eat my favorite frozen yogurt, have lunch ( leftover food from dinner ) with my husband, the love of my life,  have a one hour massage which was given to me as a gift by my good friend Brenda and will peacefully spend the weekend in Subic with my family. 

Sharing this beautiful article which I hope you will take time out to read.  After you read this, you will understand and it will confirm why I am very, very, very rich!!!

Thank you God for all the blessings in my life! 


For more on Bo Sanchez, visit his website or you can subscribe to his newsletters:

Bo Sanchez Practical Soul Food for Successful People




  • Eduardo Lopez, Jr. says:

    God Bless You, LOVE! We LOVE YOU !
    May You have, many, many more as Blessed and Enjoyable.

  • I love reading your blogs. It is very entertaining. God Bless You! Happy Birthday! 🙂

  • dindin says:

    thank you for posting this. happy birthday!

  • pia says:

    happy birthday po! your blogs complete my day everyday…thank you for sharing with us your wonderful blessings…cheers!

  • Hindy says:

    Happy Birthday Rics! Big hugs…

  • jenny says:

    Happy Birthday, Rica!…from raul, jenny and mia 🙂

  • Rica says:

    Thank you Dad and Mom! I love you too!
    Thanks Rica- another Rica in this world 🙂
    Thanks Din Din, Pia, Hindy and Raul, Jenny and Mia!!!

  • Tricia says:

    Happy Birthday to the richest and inversely paranoid person I know and love! Happy Birthday and May The Good Lord and Mama Mary bless you and your family always!

  • Cathy says:

    Happy Birthday! I wanted to greet you and say thanks for sharing this article. I’m a regular reader and have enjoyed your posts. Every time I feel even a little bit of stress, I breathe deep and say Thank You God…not quite there yet though. Anyway, I wish you many many more rich years!

  • James O. de Jesus says:

    That makes me the richest man in the world….because I have you! 🙂

  • Ria Veloso says:

    Happy Birthday Rica!

  • len says:

    Happy Birthday, Ms. Rica!

  • Michele Dee-Santos says:

    You really are truly blessed Rics! And I am truly blessed to have a friend like you who always reminds me in so many ways how “rich” I am too!

  • lilli ann says:

    Thanks for sharing that with us. We are truly blessed to have a friend as beautiful inside and out. Happy Birthday Rics!!!

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