2009 South East Asia Youth Baseball-Softball Tournament (Seaybst)

By April 27, 2009 For kids, Sports 2 Comments

Thanks to Mykie and Keiko for inviting me over to watch the baseball game of Tony!! I drove all the way to Ateneo to see the game and it was worth it.   I always wished my two boys would take baseball but they never seemed to be interested.  So, when I see the little boys playing out there, I am so amused!  


This is a yearly international tournament that is participated by teams from the cities of Perth, Australia; Bangkok, Thailand; Jakarta, Indonesia; Singapore; Hong Kong and Manila, Philippines.  The tournament is composed of five age group divisions and there are a total participation of 500 athletes.  Members of the Manila team are composed of players from ILLAM.  The tournament was hosted by Manila and was held last March 22 to 28 at the playing fields of the Ateneo De Manila University in Quezon City. seay-baseball-softball0001.jpgseay-baseball-softball0004.jpgseay-baseball-softball0006.jpg


Mykie Ozaeta is Assistant Manager and one of the organizers of the tournament at the same time is a proud father of one of the players, Tony 


 I also saw Rammy and Sia there with their son on the same team


Keiko with the whole caboodle supporting their big brother 


Tony bats very well and always gets to first or second base! Way to go Tony! 

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When I first arrived, Manila team had no points on the board and Jakarta was winning til the last inning when they made a home run with the bases loaded! WOW!! I WAS SO HAPPY!! I dropped my Malcolm’s burger 🙂  which I was eating and started to jump and jump with joy just like the other parents and players there!   


Proud parents taking photos 


The players that did a great job in the last inning and made the team win!  




  • Rammy says:

    Thanks Rica for the nice write up on the kids. The boys trained really hard for this tournament and ended up 2nd place behind SIngapore (loosing to them by just 1 point in the finals). The boys competed in the Philippine Little league series (ages 11-12) against 36 teams all over the country two weeks ago and ended up as champions (undefeated). The Illam boys will represent the Philippines in the Asia Pacific tournament in Taipei this coming July wherein the winner will represent the region in the World Series.


  • Mike Ozaeta says:

    Hi Rica, thanks so much for accepting my invitation, as you always very kindly do. Your pictures are great, as usual!! I really think you were the lucky charm in that come-from-behind win! As Rammy said, this team is not yet done. We have a big tournament in Taipei which we have to train hard for. Wish us luck!
    By the way, Malcolms just opened a deli at the fort. Not sure if you have heard about it or have been. We should check it out soon!

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