Monthly Archives: April 2009

The Fat Skillet

By | Foodie | One Comment

After our Easter party in Payatas, we passed Fat Skillet which was on the way home.  Apple, another one of my enterprising Paulinian friends, had invited me to come over to her restaurant.  She and her husband own the place and her husband, Jesse, is the chef that does all the cooking for the restaurant. 

We had a great meal!  More power to FAT SKILLET!! 


Apple and her hubby chef,  Jesse, sweating coming from the kitchen after cooking our delicious meal 🙂 

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Phyllo Triangles 




The Fat Skillet Spaghetti 


Chicken Marengo – one of their specialties  


Beef Ribs- one of their specialties 


Peppered Pork 

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Educare Celebrates Easter

By | Educare | One Comment

Educare celebrates Easter with the daycare center at Payatas!  There were 76 children from the daycare center.  We were all in chaos, very tired…but we all ENJOYED!!!!  




Educare has adopted Janet who is becoming a mainstay in our events.  Thanks to Janet for planning and organizing everything



Easter Basket Decorating 


Easter Egg Decorating 


Easter Egg Hunt 


More goodies for the kids to take home! 


Thank you to all the generous donors of Educare and to those who made this possible:

Tito Willie and Tita Marion Coscolluela

Mrs. Zenaida Sumulong

Tito Jun Tambunting 

Shellane Dy and Monde Nissin for the Instant noodles and Fita Crackers

Mom for lending us her easter eggs for the easter egg hunt

Sandie Squillantini for the toys 



By | Celebrations, Events and Launches | 8 Comments

Thank you very much to my friend, Tere Del Rosario, for inviting me to Walkway ( Walkway:  Reflections on the Stations of the Cross April 4, 2009)


I brought my family with me at around 5:30 pm today.  This is the most beautiful and most meaningful Stations of the Cross I have ever been to in my entire life.   Normally we go to church to do the Stations of the Cross but it seems like I can never concentrate because as someone is reading it, we can barely hear as there are other people reading at the same time.  In this one, everyone reads quietly on their own. The writings are short but very meaningful and powerful.If you have the chance to visit, it will be there til Easter Sunday.





Simple Secrets To A Happy Life

By | Today's Quote | No Comments

Thank you Lolo Atomic for sharing these!  Beautiful and very meaningful!



Forgiveness does not change the past, but it does enlarge the future.

-Paul Boese


  • What you leave behind is not what is engraved in stone monuments, but what is woven into the lives of others.



  • When we choose not to focus on what is missing from our lives but are grateful for the abundance that’s present…we experience heaven on earth.

    -Sarah Breathnach


  • Courage does not always roar. Sometimes it is a quiet voice at the end of the day, saying…“I will try again tomorrow.”



  • A bird does not sing because it has an answer. It sings because it has a song.

    -Chinese Proverb


  • Failure is only the opportunity to begin again more intelligently.

    -Henry Ford


  • Burn brightly without burning out.

    Richard Biggs


  • Laughter is an instant vacation.

    -Milton Berle


  • An investment in knowledge pays the best interest.

    -Benjamin Franklin


  • Kind words can be short and easy to speak, but their echoes are truly endless.

    -Mother Teresa


  • Success is not the key to happiness. Happiness is the key to success. If you love what you are doing, you will be successful.

    -Albert Schweitzer


  • Wrong turns are as important as right turns. More important sometimes.

    -Richard Bach


  • Change always comes bearing gifts.

    -Price Pritchett





    “Man for Others”

    By | Celebrations, Heart Songs | 2 Comments

    Dad found the best words to describe Lolo,  A MAN FOR OTHERS!  All his life, Lolo has been very consistent, loud and clear as being a Man for Others…. a good example to us all.


    Happy 88th Birthday!!! We love you Lolo!!!!! 


    Sung by Bea, Jaime, Nicole and Camille 



    A Rest House in Tagaytay

    By | Homes and Interiors | 2 Comments

    Around three years ago, Gloria and Mike invited us over to this beautiful rest house…. more of a resort if you ask me!!! I wish I had taken more photos.  I hope to go back again another day….




    A verandah over a bedroom 

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    Dollhouse for the kids 


    Some ponies 



    The Silences of Lent – An Online Retreat

    By | Celebrations, Velada 2012 | 2 Comments

    A week ago, I had the priveledge to join a retreat dsc_9267.jpg

    given by Fr. Johnny Go, Director of Xavier School  dsc_9265.jpg

    to the Assumption Batch ’87


    This same retreat will be available online to everyone around the world….so pass on the message


    Too busy or too far away to join a serious and full-blown retreat this Holy Week? 

    All you need is to set aside about 30-45 minutes ANYTIME each day on Holy Thursday, Good Friday, or Black Saturday–at your convenience. Just go to for your Holy Week Online Retreat.dsc_9270.jpg

    Ours is a God of Silence, but He keeps different kinds of silences.dsc_9268.jpg

    And during Lent, more than ever, He is silent. His deepest silences are experienced in the Passion and Death of our Lord Jesus. 

    Lent is truly a season full of silences, but the Silence of Gethsemane, the Silence of Calvary, and the Silence of the Empty Tomb–each one is different from the other.dsc_9297.jpg

    Maybe if we understand God’s silences in Lent, we will better understand His silences–and language–in our own lives.

    Come and pray with us over God’s Lenten silences.


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