Waton Japanese Quality Premium Organic Pork

For the bacon lovers out there…I discovered something through my friend Lindy.  Thanks Linds for telling me about this bacon alternative.  I always see it in Rustan’s while doing my grocery but I never bothered to try it.  Other brands cost around P 500 and above per kilo and this one costs P 495.75/kilo and it is organic!  TRY IT!!  Don’t forget to add salt when you cook it for you to get the real bacon taste. 


There is a new section now in Rustan’s meat section dedicated to SUPER WATON PREMIUM PORK.  I have not tried the other items yet except for the pork belly which Lindy told me about.  But I definitely will try the others..for some reason, I like Japanese products

Sorry about the photos, I just used my cellphone to take the store photos 



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