Monthly Archives: May 2009

Michele, Josie and Lance at Salcedo Market

By | Foodie | One Comment

I went to visit the Salcedo Market two saturdays ago to visit my friend Michele.  She had started about a month ago in the market so I wanted to see her set up and her yummy food!  But because I arrived already at around 10 am, most of the food items were gone! 

Previous Entries: Filo Rolls and Breakfast Sausages February 18, 2009 

Arf Arf Confectionery July 29, 2008 

LMFI Feb. 22, 2008

Dinner by Michele October 26, 2008 

Healthier Italian Cooking May 24, 2007  


I went to visit my other friend also there, Josie.  Her table was almost sold out too when I arrived.  Josie was happy to tell me that the Salcedo market is on it’s 5th year anniversary and that she has been a vendor since the very beginning

Previous Entry:  Josie October 7, 2008 


Right beside Michele was Lance who also recently started in the market as well… selling burritos, tacos and totopos 



Get Involved: Climate Change

By | Green | One Comment

On a bigger scale, we are lucky there are organizations that try to get people from all over the world to help SAVE THE EARTH! Particularly CLIMATE CHANGE


is trying to get more people involved in tackling

climate_change_330.gif oxfam-fighting-for-fair-deal.jpgdealing-with-disaster.jpg




Thanks to Katrina, a reader of Heart2Heart for sharing this worthy cause with us…please help our fellow Filipino…and yes at the same time there may be a way we can help by joining and trying to spread awareness of CLIMATE CHANGE


Hi there!  This link is a Youtube video that I made to convince people to sign for action against Climate Change, particularly by getting world leaders to attend the UN Summit for Climate Change at Copenhagen in December, and agree on a deal that would help reverse the effects of climate change.  The idea here is that you can never understimate the power of a petition.


This film is actually in part with the Youtube Cannes Lions 48 Hour Ad Contest, where we had to deliver the film entry for a brief. To cast votes for this film, you would need to go to and search for “thecheshirecatgrin”, within the next 10 days or so. 


Thank you so much! I hope you can help me spread the word among Pinoys and non-Pinoys, environmentalists or not. It is an issue that I do feel strongly about, and I do want to reach a larger audience who might be willing to do something about climate change as well.  Am Sure posting it on your blog will make a huge difference 🙂



Save the Earth! by Bea Osmeña

By | Green | One Comment

I received this article from Tita Bettina written by her daughter, Bea.

Bea is 18 years old and a passionate environmentalist.  She will take up Environmental Science as her minor and major in Management engineering at the Ateneo next month. 

It is so nice to see children and young adults who are very conscious about environmental issues at an early age…  and as Bea said it, “SPREAD THE WORD and demonstrate it.”  

Be an example to others…It takes only ourselves to start it even in our own little ways and maybe everyone else will follow…SAVE THE EARTH! 



By | Foodie | 7 Comments

Thanks to Ricky and Bubu Andres for inviting us to their new restaurant, Basty’s!! We enjoyed our meal and have been back already with the whole family and we intend to be back again and again….It is also one of Javier’s favorite places.  Good luck and more power to you!dsc_5151.JPGdsc_5117.JPG

A nice and cozy two level restaurant at the new Quad building at the Fort 


Thank you also to Tinggoy, who is also one of the owners and is the chef responsible for all the food items on the menu! The restaurant was named after his late father.

The whole meal, he sat beside me and explained to me everything about his food, how he cooks it, how he chooses his ingredients, how he prepares them and the strict guidelines he implements in the kitchen!  A very interesting guy and obviously very passionate about his work – his food and about his cooking!  I enjoy people like that, they inspire me! 🙂 


He makes his own sangria from an old family is really good  


Orange crush- one of the best seller drinks 


They give this bread in the beginning – make sure to keep some to eat with the chorizo and gambas and to dip in all the sauces from the dishes! YUMMY! 


Tinggoy also makes his own chorizo!  YUMMY!!!! Chorizo Frito

You will notice a lot of chorizo dishes in the menu 


His version of Gambas Al Ajillo comes also with chorizo bits in it! YUMMY!!! 


Mejillones con Ajo – I do not really eat mussels, but this is one of the best sellers also


Ceasar Salad – also Tinggoy’s recipe.  Tinggoy proudly told me that he is very confident and very proud of everything that comes out of his kitchen.  


Chicken Ala Kiev!! Our brother, John’s favorite! He calls in advance and he has them cook it already while he is on the way


 Paella!!! YUMMY!  


Adobo Paella- what a unique paella!  And it was really good!!  Yes, yes…that is chicharon bits on top!  🙂


Paella Valenciana 


Torta de Chorizo 


Bacalao ala Portuguese- first time for me to try it this way with cream instead of tomato sauce.  I liked it very much 


Sebastian’s Chicken, bestselling chicken dish 


I liked also their Pollo Al Ajillo which I ordered when we went back!!! YUMMY!


Tinggoy does not make his desserts but he orders it from a friend.  Even if he does not make it, he specifies what to do 🙂  Like this apple pie has little sago balls inside! Very yummy apple pie especially with the caramel sauce!!


After serving us all of that, Tinggoy let us try one of his future dishes which is like crispy adobo flakes.  I could eat there all day!! 🙂 


Other dishes we ordered on our second visit with the family:

Solomillo Ala Pobre- very good!!!p1090667.JPG

 Javier’s favorites:   Croquettas and Lengua Sevillanap1090658.JPGp1090663.JPG

They have a freezer which sells all the deli products Tinggoy makes 


The bacon was really good- it was sliced thick and Tinggoy made us try it too.  So you can order or just go there and take out the deli products. 


Homemade chorizo and other food to go products being sold for those in a hurry or just want to take out 


Basty’s is at The Quad, Shop A, Ground Floor, Net Quad Bldg, 30th street corner 4th Avenue, The Fort 

Telephone #:  85609132 or Bayantel: 379-2197  


by Gil Coscolluela for Felix and Reggie

By | Homes and Interiors | 8 Comments

Heart2Heart is always happy and proud to feature our good friend, Architect Gil Coscolluela.  This is one of his most recent works….. 


A beautiful house for our friends, Felix and Reggie, who are obviously very happy with the work of Gil 


Felix and Reggie had prepared a dinner for our friends Gary and Frannie who are moving to Singapore.  We missed the dinner and arrived for dessert and coffee/tea  


I immediately took photos of the house and thanks to Felix and Reggie for sharing their beautiful home with Heart2Heart 


This beautiful home comes with beautiful works of art… 


Felix looked up the middle of the staircase and told me that just looking up is already a work of art and Gil did a great job building it… 


a nice altar 


a room for the family to gather 


Master Bedroom 


Felix so proud to show his closets and how the bars go down for him to reach his clothes 


Reggie’s closet where the girls love to hang out  


and listen to Gary entertain them 🙂 


Reggie’s shoes 


and a closet for Felix shoesdsc_6383.jpg 


Going up to the third floor 


Office of Felix! WOW!!! 


A storage room! WOW again! 


And their beautiful kitchen 


New Bug Controllers from Messy Bessy!

By | Great Inventions, Green | One Comment


Because you asked for it!




Our INSECT REPELLENT is a special lab-tested non-sticky, non-stinky formula.  We used Andiroba or Carapa Tree Nut Oil from Brazil.  This oil magically suppresses the appetite of the insects, and therefore they won’t feel like snacking on you!!!

You can spray this on your skin, clothes, furniture and around the home.  Feel free to spray it on table tops to ward of flies, too!

It comes in 50ml, 250ml and 1-liter refill.

Our ANTI-ROACH SPRAY is a potent patchouli oil-based spray that can help you rid of your roaches once and for all!  You can spray them directly onto the bugs (if you must) or around areas where you suspect they hang out.

It comes in 450ml and 2-liter refill.



Log on to their website at for more details!

Previous Entries:

Messy Bessy November 5, 2007

Thank You from Messy Bessy January 12, 2008 

Earth day Message from Messy Bessy April 22, 2008 

Messy Bessy Holiday 2008 and Introducing Messy Baby October 30, 2008 

Messy Bessy by H.O.U.S.E April 22, 2008 



A Lawyer in the Family

By | Great Achievements | 4 Comments

I met Ria when she was 3 years old and she had just arrived from Chicago where she lived!  Ria was the niece of my boyfriend, James, now my husband.   She was like my younger sister then and we spent a lot of time watching over her.  That was around 23 years ago…….



I can’t believe how time flies!  Ria is now a graduate from law school! Congratulations Ria!!!   We are so proud of you!!  We are so lucky to have a lawyer in the family to protect us! 🙂


And I love her grad picture which I thought was very creative – she borrowed Yoda from my Dad as props for this photo!  



Science World

By | For kids | 2 Comments

What a great idea to have a Science fair in school!  The kids were made to prepare a Science experiment which they were to present to their classmates.  A great and fun way to learn! 

