Monthly Archives: May 2009

Danni’s Graduation Dinner

By | Celebrations, Foodie | 2 Comments

Last March, my hijada, Danni,  graduated from gradeschool, so Lola prepared a dinner in honor of her!  I loved the set up the Rustan’s Flower Shop made!  


Danni was made to choose all her favorite dishes…so it sort of looked like it did not really all blend and jive 🙂  But nevertheless it was all good!!!

Favorite pizza from Vargas Kitchen 


Fried Chicken and Pochero from Yaya Sion , Japanese fried rice with Wagyu beef


Pasta Al Fungi and Quattro Formaggio from Yaya Sion and Grilled prawns 


And WOW!! We had a whole dessert buffet!!!!!!! YUMMY!! Danni should graduate every year so we can have this 🙂dannis-graduation-dinner16.jpg

Green Tea Frozen Brazo de Mercedez and Concorde from Kitchen’s Best, Tita Roselyn, Tita Marlyn and Tita Berna brought it for Danni 

Spanish Turron and Sansrival from Lola 


Bread pudding from Cirkulo and Chocolate cake, Tocino del Cielo and Mango Sanrival from Kitchen’s Best 


Chocolate cupcakes from Dimpy 



Mike’s Sunday Lunch

By | Foodie, Mother's Day | One Comment

In our family, no one escapes his or her turn in hosting Sunday family lunch.   So, our eldest brother, Mike, also takes his turn in hosting.  Though we were not complete, today was still a special lunch because it was Mother’s Day ……


and Mike did prepare something special and unique…he covered the whole table with banana leaves and put the food on top!  Everything was grilled or “inihaw” – fish, chicken, pork and eggplant with beef 


There was garlic rice wrapped in banana leaves 


We were all supposed to eat with our hands “kamayan” style..but since we were not used to it, we still asked for plates and spoon and fork! Here is Mike enjoying his rice eating with his hands…but why does he still have a fork and spoon?  🙂 


 Here are the other dishes we have had from other Sunday lunches of Mike.  Mostly Filipino dishes and with lots of vegetables


 You’re probably wondering where all the good food comes from….Apparently, Mike is lucky that someone special prepares all the food during his turn 🙂


 Previous Entries:

Tina’s Sunday Lunch March 10, 2009

 Uncle Ray and Aunty Remy October 11, 2008

Summer Sunday Lunch April 18, 2008 


My Mom…My Bestfriend

By | Mother's Day, Tributes | 4 Comments

Last year, I stumbled into my friend, Rica’s multiply site and I saw this beautiful tribute she had made for her Mom.  Rica and I seem to have so many things in common- same name, same Mom’s name,  we both love hearts and it seems we both share a lot in common when it comes to family and life…and of course the same admiration towards our Mom.  So,  I asked her if I can share her beautiful tribute to her Mom at Heart2Heart





When friends tell me that I live a charmed life, I cannot help but agree for I am blessed with a mother who loves and cares for me like no other.


Being raised by mother along with 4 brothers brought a great deal of happiness and contentment in my life even at a young age while teaching me timeless values worth sharing to many generations.

My mother taught me the value of FAMILY FIRST. She was a devoted wife and a dedicated mother to her 5 children. She was happiest when she sees all of us happy even if it meant making sacrifices on her part. She made sure that she managed her time well and her family was always her priority.baguio-2.JPG

I have never appreciated my mom so much more now that I have my own family.rica-30.jpg

She has cared for me and my brothers well. And she extends the same kind of motherly affection to her son and daughters in law as well 16 grandchildren.


I likened her to a star which you don’t always see but you know she is always going to be there. And not a single day passes that I am thankful for that.


My mother taught me the value of SIMPLICITY AND SINCERITY. Despite her social status, she has remained grounded and simple in her ways. She is quick to remind me that what lies in the heart of the person is far more precious than any wealth in this world.

My mother taught me the value of TAKING CARE OF OUR FAMILY BUSINESS—a passion she held with the same esteem as taking care of her family. She is organized, focused with her goals and was good at motivating people and managing resources. She was instrumental to the growth of some of our family businesses but chose to remain in the background rather than basked in the limelight.


My mother taught me STRENGTH OF CHARACTER during difficult times. She remains placid even under extreme pressure. Its hard to see through her during trying moments for she does not complain and is always ready to flash a genuine smile. My mother is beautiful inside and out.


Its true what a poem says about mothers… “They are Angels God put on earth to take care and guide us. Am Blessed to have her as my both my angel and my earthly Mother”


This was what Rica’s Mom wrote about her Mom,  Also a beautiful tribute  




I am the youngest of twelve siblings. My mother gave birth to me when she was already forty-four years old. I was very close to my mother, I being the baby of a big family.

From my mother, I learned a lot of old time values. My father was a firm believer that a woman’s place is the home. That is why for my mother, the family, above all, came first. As a wife, her priority was my father. 


As a mother, her greatest concern was her children.  My mother brought me up in a happy and peaceful home. She made sure we were all in good health.  My mother taught me the importance of a family praying together. There was nothing more meaningful to her than she was surrounded by my father and all her children in praying the Angelus at 6’clock in the afternoon when the church bells rung.1.jpg

She showed me by example how to love and serve the poor and the less privilege. Every month she would go to GOTA de Leche and help the nuns attend to the abandoned and sick babies. She also supported a lot of young boys who dreamt to become priests.193.JPG

She was humble at all times.Now that I myself am a mother and a grandmother, it gives me joy and satisfaction that the old values and old traditions taught to me by my mother have been passed on to the children and grandchildren. Today even with the modern times and modern ways, the values have already been instilled in the family and nothing can ever change this or take it away from the family.

I have 5 children, namely, Raul Stephen, Raul Joseph, Raul Patrick, Rica, and Raul Anthony.

I have 15 grandchildren, soon going to 16. 



Iberian Chicken by Nimfa

By | Mother's Day, Recipes | 6 Comments

This is another friend’s version of Iberian Chicken.  My friend, Nimfa, gave the Iberian chicken to me as a gift, then I asked her for the recipe which she shared with me.  I gave it to Edna, my cook, and she made it exactly how I tasted it from Nimfa.   Ever since then, we always have it and serve it to our friends. Thanks Nimfa for sharing your recipe.  I hope you can all make it as well.  This is Heart2Heart’s Mother’s Day gift to all mothers!  🙂 HAPPY MOTHER’s DAY! 

 Previous entry:  Homemade Spanish Dinner January 22, 2009

 Iberian Chicken from Bettina’s Kitchen July 1, 2008



   1 pc. whole chicken (1.5 kilo)  clean very well and pat dry

   2 tbsp. whole fresh peppercorn, ground

   2 heads garlic, peeled and pounded

   2 tbsps. rock salt

   8 to 10 pcs. Calamansi

   6 pcs. lemon grass, white parts only, pounded

   1 pc. chicken cube dissolved in 1 cup boiled water

   3/4 cup extra virgin olive oil

   6 to 8 pcs. potatoes, peeled and half if needed


   1.)  Rub the chicken all over with the ROCK SALT and PEPPER.  

   2.) Rub with CALAMANSI JUICE, making sure to rub the inside cavity.  

   3.)  Insert the LEMONGRASS into the cavity, together with some GARLIC.

   4.)  Pour the CHICKEN CUBE/HOT WATER mixture and OLIVE OIL on the chicken.   

   Marinate overnight in an oven-proof platter. 

   5.)  Preheat oven to 350F.  Before baking, put peeled POTATOES in the platter, as well as the rest of the GARLIC.  Cover with   aluminum foil and bake for 2 hours until tender.  


 I shared this recipe to friends who have tried it and asked about it, here is my friend Mel’s version of it and she said it was a big hit with her family.  She sent me her photo since I asked her to show me as soon as she made it





Super Creative Mom!!

By | For kids, Great Ideas, Mother's Day, Summer | 3 Comments

I received an email from my friend, Janet.  She never fails to amaze me with her creativity!   I had passed on to her a Little Tykes basketball ring which my sons outgrew and so she sent me this update on what she did with it.    Janet is one SUPER creative mom!  Heart2Heart pays tribute to Janet for always turning something simple into something spectacular through her creativity!  You can give her anything and anything that probably you think will be like junk already… and she can still make use of it and make it into something and you will be amazed!  

She organizes all the birthday parties of her kids, comes up with party games, makes all the props, creates one of a kind costumes for halloween, thinks up of unique activities to entertain her kids and comes up with beautiful works of art from scratch…. and now turning an empty/vacant lot into a beautiful park and play area for the children!

She is also a SUPER mom – very hands on and very dedicated to her 4 children! And as my good friend Ned, her proud  husband, once told me…”She is the glue that sticks/keeps us all together!”




Previous Entry: Educare Celebrates Easter April 11, 2009

A Wacky Sports Double Birthday Bash  March 2008  

Best in Costume Back to Back October 28, 2008 

 Educare Celebrates Halloween October 20, 2008

Christiana is 1 and Joshua’s 4!  March 17, 2008 


Bejewelled by Agatha

By | Fashion, What's New at Rustan's | 3 Comments


With a successful marriage of Paris’ artistic culture and flair, Stores Specialists Inc. once again defines the trends as they bring in top fashion jewelry label Agatha. With its pure French style, it now stands for sheer innovation and timeless elegance merging the essence of many cultures into one.

Founded by renowned designer Michel Quiniou in 1974, Agatha has featured outstanding and innovative designs that earned deep admiration from French trend-setting women. Easily establishing a trademark, Agatha has stood to create fashion jewelry that every woman can afford.

Women can take pleasure in Agatha’s modern pieces like the Love Sterling silver earrings and their Silver charmed bracelets.


Timeless pieces can also set anyone for an elegant evening with Agatha’s Dropped Shaped necklace in Strass, or their Heart shaped pendants that can be mixed and matched with numerous chains. Agatha’s main symbol, Scottie also has its own variations ranging from rings, earrings and pendants. Set in high quality sterling silver, silver plated or metal, each piece of jewelry is matched with 18 carat gold or gold plated Vermeil. Pearls like Mother of Pearl, Majorca or Reslin even make for more elegant statements. Agatha also makes use of an extensive selection of Austrian Crystals as well as cubic zirconium. agatha-3.jpg


No matter how trends change, Agatha’s commitment towards high standards remains unchanged. In its 30 years in the constantly changing European trends, Agatha has now established itself as a top brand of trend-setting accessories All stemming from Agatha’s belief: “Beauty is what a woman owns; so beautiful accessories should be in every woman’s possession” women from all places that Agatha has touched now enjoy the most stunning pieces that one can have.

Joining the scene of the latest trends from all over the world, Agatha has trotted the globe with their boutiques in the United States, Canada, Japan, South Korea, China, Hong Kong, Taiwan and now the Philippines, expanding the influence of its attractive and heart-warming French style.

In the Philippines, Agatha jewelry is exclusively distributed by Stores Specialists, Inc. (SSI) and is available at the boutique located in Greenbelt 5 and Robinson’s Midtownagatha-store-in-greenbelt-5-2revised.jpg agatha-store-in-robinsons-midtowna.jpg 
