There is a restaurant in Bondi Beach which has the BEST view among all restaurants and it was one of my favorites in the whole trip.  Icebergs!  Recommended by mostly everyone we askeddsc_8891.JPGdsc_8936.jpgdsc_9042.JPG  dsc_8937.JPGdsc_8959.JPGdsc_8941.JPGdsc_8943.JPGdsc_8944.JPGdsc_8945.JPGdsc_8946.JPG

This was our waiter, doesn’t he remind you of Ricky Gervais? 

bondiwaiter1.jpg bondiwaiter2.jpg


I enjoy watching soups that are being poured and made in front of you 🙂 


website:  Bondi Icebergs 

bistroicebergs.jpg [email_link] 

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