Hermés shop windows

Talking about animals….Hermés windows outside David Jones ( Sydney, Australia ) 





  • Hindy says:

    are they real??? : (

  • Rica says:

    I had the same reaction as you but apparently here is the explanation about all these stuffed animals, my good friend Jay, explained it to me:

    “They need to cull the animals in game reserves to prevent over population and depletion of natural food sources. You need a permit to hunt and you can only hunt what your permit allows.
    Only 1 animal at a time. If you don’t find one, sorry ka nalang. When they kill an animal like zebra, kudu or oryx, nothing goes to waste. They eat the meat, use the skin, horns, etc.”

  • Wendy says:

    Sadly, when I emailed Hermes last year (out of curiosity) – they said that the waiting list for a Kelly bag is – FIVE years!!!

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