Monthly Archives: June 2009

Visiting Geraldine

By | Homes and Interiors, Travel | 3 Comments

We took the train from the city to Chatswood.  Beautiful place!!  Geraldine toured me around her area and it was a nice and cozy town.  Everything is nearby where she lived.  The kids school, the police station, the mall, the train station, the church – everything is all one or two blocks away only so you can just walk around easily.  Geraldine told me she did this on purpose to make it easier for all of them to adjust.  Maybe later on move further from the commercial area and be closer to more greens.  Thanks Geraldine for sharing with me your home…I really wanted to get a feel of how it is to live in Australia:-)


This is the area where she lives 


Their beautiful home  


and I get to meet Francis, her husband.  Geraldine has all good things to say about her husband…she is so lucky!  

Francis told me that he is busy training for the Iron Man to be held here in the Philippines in August.   So he swims, bikes and runs everyday!


I did not get to meet the kids because they were all in school- these are old photos of the kids – they are much bigger now 


I liked this photo of Geraldine’s brother, Rico Yan… 


This is their cozy living room 


and home office  


and dining table 


with a nice patio view 




This is a very important part of Geraldine’s house because this is where she does all her cooking and baking.  She told me she is grateful we had cooking classes in Assumption 🙂 because now she is applying all the cooking lessons we had in highscool.  She prepares all the meals of the family!!  Watch out, Geraldine might be the next Martha Stewart with all the baking and cooking she does now 🙂 And next time, I want to try your homemade tapa!



Manila Sari Sari Store in Sydney

By | Travel | 7 Comments

Geraldine took me to the Filipino store there in her area!  I was so happy to see it! I guess when you live abroad, this is the closest to being home 🙂 so they are very very valuable over there!


Chichiria!  Very important to have this!  🙂 


including chicharon 🙂 





By | Foodie, Travel | 3 Comments

I met up with a highschool friend who I have not seen in a long long time, Geraldine!  Geraldine migrated to Australia 6 months ago with her husband and three kids. She was planning to come over to the city, but I told her I wanted to see where she lived, so I invited myself over to her side of town 🙂

She insisted that she picked me up and so we took the train for around 30 minutes.  She took me to a new restaurant that just opened in the mall near her place.   Thanks Geraldine for a great lunch and most especially it was so nice to see you!!!  You are as beautiful as you were in highschool … and now without the glasses 🙂


The menu was not the usual korean menu with so many many items in the list.  It was a simple menu and we noticed that the bibimbap section was the one with the most choice so we decided to order that. Bibimbap is the Korean’s version of fried rice


This was their water pitcher which they place on the table – I like it because 99% of the time I just drink water, so I like it that they take serving water seriously 🙂 


Geraldine had the Bibimbap with fish roe 


I had the one with beef 


The waiter came over to help us mix it- we were not mixing it 🙂  It was very good, we enjoyed! 




Monster Skatepark

By | For kids, Hobbies, Travel | No Comments

The kids are into skateboarding/longboarding nowadays that even in Australia they went to a skatepark!  Papa was patient enough to take them.  It is around 30 minutes from the city center of Sydney.  I wish they had something like this in our country so the kids can enjoy in a controlled environment.  I get worried about safety in the streets 


website :  Monster Skate Park 


Including here a video which Jaime made.  We always stress the importance of wearing their helmets for protection




By | Foodie, Travel | 2 Comments

Of course when in Australia, we have to eat steak!  We went to Steersons by the Harbour.  

I noticed that in most restaurants in Sydney, you need to put your own salt and pepper on the dishes or else there won’t be any taste.  So make sure to have a taste first and then add your own seasonings to your liking. 


Blue Cheese souffle with Pancetta with Caramelized Pears and Rocket – YUMMY! obviously it is heart2heart’s dish


I noticed that Rocket and Parmesan is a popular side dish in Australia – I see it in almost all menus

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