A Madeline Party

Count on Gippy and Hindy to come up with a creative celebration!! What a nice Madeline theme party they threw for their angel Anouck!  Even the yayas were in theme 🙂 

    Joyeux Anniversaire dear Anouck !







  • Trish Villanueva says:

    How adorable, Hindy! Natalia had the same theme on her 3rd birthday. (I believe it was her 3rd). Belated hugs & kisses from us to Anouck!

  • Grace says:

    Cute! Who was her party organizer?

  • cecile says:

    nice cake and cookies. who made them?
    anouk is so pretty. love the nun too

  • Hindy says:

    Hi Trish! How cool, same theme! Cool moms think alike. Haha! Just kidding. Big hugs to you and Natalia.
    Hi Grace, Party Organizer is Angelette Calero of Jelly Bellies. However, loot bags and costumes were made by my mom and me. Decor by Visual Merchandising of Rustan’s. Cake and lollipops by Marta’s. We had acrobats and unicyclists and they were super funny. The kids loved them.

  • Hindy says:

    Cecile, the cakes and cookies were from Marta’s, Just give them any design.

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