Fellow Photographers

Whenever I am in events or occassions, I bump into many photographers taking photos like me!  It is funny how most of the time, I am the only female holding a camera amongst these guys!

Alex Van Hagen – the famous Alex who is in all the events

Previous Entry:   Brothers in Art 2  March 19, 2009


I met this super nice photographer in an event, I forgot his name.  He was talking to me and was saying that I reminded him of his daughter who was a professional photographer. I told him I was not a professional like his daughter… A nice guy! 


Dindo- always always side by side with me!  Dindo is the assistant of Alex Van Hagen. Alex probably has so many events he cannot be in all!  I sometimes join Dindo’s photos when he organizes a group shot, I run to him and take the same shot 🙂 I like him because he always makes sure to take photos of me for the event…though sometimes I hide from him or tell him not to take anymore 🙂


Chat Fernandez – the long time loyal photographer of Tita Gracie Go from the Philippine Star.  He has been going around with her since I met Tita Gracie and he is the one who takes the shots for the newspaper.  If he takes it, for sure it will come out!    He always tells me he likes the old time cameras using film.  A very nice guy! 


My Dad. He has always liked taking videos and photos since we were kids. I realized later on that I am like him!  And thanks to him, I get to inherit the cameras he hands me down when he gets a new one for himself!  Thanks Dad!  You’re the Best!  🙂

Dad now is into taking videos.  He says that I am already taking the photos so he will cover the video portion.  Then he edits the videos and adds some of my photos and comes out with a great video!  He is very good at it!!

Previous entry:  Gothia Cup 2007 by Jun Lopez  July 27, 2008

eslphotog.JPG  eslguam.jpg

Ganaban is the official photographer of my Tita Nedy. He is a bodyguard slash photographer 🙂


Noel dela Merced.  This guy is a very good photographer. I see him with his camera with all kinds of lenses mostly in our friend’s events/parties

Previous Entry:  Noel Dela Merced Photography  July 30, 2008


Tito Butch is the brother of my Dad.  Also always likes taking photos!  





  • jayjayvg says:

    Hi rica ! can’t help but notice cake behind your tito. clonetrooper cake 🙂 May i know who made it ? 🙂

  • Jun Lopez says:

    Great idea, LOVE … covering us guys covering other people and events !

  • menchu lopez says:

    I know most of them……they ARE GREAT photographers especially the one named JUN…ha….ha….

  • Rica says:

    From my cousin in law, Keith
    Hi Rica,

    I think you will be shocked to learn that it was from Kink Cakes along
    Pasay road ( Arnaiz Ave ) in Makati. Angela checked all over and they were the only
    ones who made it.


    (KINK CAKES BAKESHOP). MIDLAND MANSION 839 A ARNAIZ AVENUE – PASAY ROAD Makati Metro Manila 1200 Philippines Phone: 8924515.

  • jayjayvg says:

    Thanks a lot Rica and Keith ! will go first thing tom morning 🙂 wouldn’t have thought …

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