Anniversary Celebration of Newton and Michelle

In celebration of Newts and Michelle’s anniversary, they hosted a very special dinner for us!  They prepared a homemade dinner which was really really good!! It felt like it was a professional catering! Thanks guys for preparing such a lovely dinner!  Happy anniversary and here’s to many more years of love and friendship! and homemade dinners!  🙂


James feeding the kois!  


 Green Salad with Mushrooms and Parmesan Cheese


Shrimp and Pumpkin Bisque Soup 


Calamansi Sorbet 


Rib Eye with Blue Cheese butter and Double Baked potato and Creamed Spinach 


Chocolate Fondant with Vanilla Ice Cream 


This is Fe, the one who prepared our dinner with her assistant Mary.  I made sure she came out so we could meet the person behind the very good dinner.  James was teasing Newton the whole night that he will pirate Fe already!  🙂 




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