Completo-Talledo Wedding A Maid of Honor’s Speech Part 2

By August 23, 2009 Bridal 4 Comments

 This is the youngest maid of honor I have ever seen..and I thought it was very sweet and very touching to listen to Rachel sing and give her message to her Teacher who has become her friend and second mother




And Rachel sang a beautiful song from the Broadway play “Wicked”….





Previous Entries:

Sun Cruises August 20, 2009

Touring Corregidor Part 1 August 21, 2009

Corregidor Inn August 22, 2009

Touring Corregidor Part 2 August 23, 2009

Completo-Talledo Wedding Ceremony Part 1, August 24, 2009

Completo-Talledo Wedding Reception Part 3 August 25, 2009 




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