Yogurt Maker

I finally received my yogurt maker which I ordered from Amazon. YAY!!! I followed Mireille Guiliano’s ( French Women Don’t Get Fat January 21, 2009 ) recommendation and bought the Cuisipro Donvier Electronic Yogurt Maker.  It works very well an definitely very easy to make! I have had it for three months already and we now have a regular supply of fresh yogurt.  

Of course I use Holly’s ( Holly’s Really Farm Fresh Dairy Products February 9, 2009 )fresh low fat milk, about 1 liter and a half will fill up the 8 containers of the yogurt maker.   

Mireille said that “One of the vital secret of hunger management is YOGURT- not the sugary market kind but the real stuff, strained, which is not only of superior texture and flavor, but full of the bacteria essential to health.  A yogurt eaten just when I knew hunger would strike was a terrific pacifier.”


Watch the video for simple instructions on how to use the machine.  I tried it myself and it works.



Holly’s now has small bottles – 200 ml and 300 ml


Previous Entry:  Holly’s Really Farm Fresh Dairy Products February 9, 2009  



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