Simple, beautiful, unique, out of the ordinary, meaningful, emotional…. with so many beautiful
words sang and spoken by all the people who love Mark and Neng
Thank you for making us part of your special day.
Congratulations and Best Wishes!

They put the ferries to block the wind as the wind from the beach was very strong…. the view would
have been facing the beach and the waves….

The beautiful bride, Neng,
wearing a beautiful dress from Rustan’s 🙂

Pastor Walter

Principal Sponsors – Wanda and Romualdo Fontanos

Ned Hourani
Bruce Landeen
Graham Coates

Parents of the couple
Ramon and Erma Completo
Angel Custodio Talledo

Best man, Marvin and the Groom, Mark

Maids of Honor – Weng Navarro
Rachel Coates

Ring Bearer, Joshua Hourani
Bible Bearer , Renzo Almodovar

Flower Girls – Christiana Hourani
Julia Almodovar

Jay, the groom’s eldest sister, sings “Two Words”


Neng, You are the love of my life and to have you as my wife is one great blessing from our great GOD! I chose to love you, with kindness, humility, faithfulness, patience and respect. I promise to always be there for you to talk to and listen to you, to bring you as much happiness as I am able, to serve you and take care of your needs, and in everything to hold your hand a we make our way through life together. I look forward to our marriage as a time to get to know you even more intimately than I already do, through every circumstance that life may bring. As I habe give you my hand to hold, I give you my life to keep.
Mark, God’s goodness unfolds right before my very eyes everytime i look at you. The love that we have has been an answer to years of prayers and i am forever grateful to God for He has molded your heart and has allowed our lives to cross. I am truly blessed to have found the truest of love with you, and today I commit my life to yours. I vow to love you for all time and to stay faithful and true to you. I will comfort you in your pain & encourage you with your dreams.
As our journey through life begins today, I promise to you that i will forever be by your side and i will be ready to face everything the world has to offer and to go with you wherever God will lead both of us. I love you! 


It is every child’s dream to have a super hero parents and mine did come true. My dad is my hero. He is a cool dad. He fixes my hair at times, used to come with me to work when he is in the country, love the kids that i used to teach, laugh at my lousy jokes and even volunteered to put lace on my veil. And today, i just would like to thank him for allowing me to grow and be a person that i am now.
And for Mark’s parents, Tatay Ramon and Nanay Erma, thank you for raising up a fine young man as Mark. His good heart and love for God makes me love him more and more everyday. Thank you for accepting me in your family. For not judging me because I am different and for letting me truly feel love and being home again.
Having a hero for a dad, a godly man for a husband and a loving family to be called my own, fills my heart with so much joy and i praise God to all that.

A beautiful ceremony – the pouring of sand into one bottle – symbolizing the joining of their lives as one


Previous Entries:
Sun Cruises August 20, 2009
Touring Corregidor Part 1 August 21, 2009
Corregidor Inn August 22, 2009
Touring Corregidor Part 2 August 23, 2009
Completo-Talledo Wedding A Maid Of Honor’s Speech Part 2, August 24, 2009
Completo-Talledo Wedding Reception Part 3 August 25, 2009
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