Romina’s Birthday Message

I had asked permission from my friend, Minnie, if I could publish her story at Heart2Heart. Only because Heart2Heart admires Minnie for her strength and courage in facing her situation.  Not once did I hear her complain, or be angry, or say negative things…she has never lost faith in God, in fact she is always THANKFUL to Him.  Kieron is a miracle and a beautiful and healthy baby boy.  Minnie has a wonderful husband, Paul, and  many friends and family who support and love her.    

 Heart2Heart is asking for more prayers for Minnie.  And whatever happens, we know that God has His plans for all of us…HIS will, will be done….. 

Happy Birthday Minnie!! Hang in there!









  • Tricia Hosaka says:

    Hi Rica. So glad you were able to share Minnie’s story. She continues to inspire me and others to pray and to always be grateful for all the blessings we continuously receive from our Lord. She will be well.. I know and claim it! Cheers to you Rica for always showing us how to enjoy life and to you Minnie, we love you very much! Kisses and hugs to Paul and Kieron!

  • Eduardo Lopez, Jr. says:

    You are in our thoughts and prayers, Minnie !
    God Bless You and your lovely Family.

  • Romina Garcia Narth says:

    Thank you Mr Lopez for your prayers. God bless!

    Yes, Tricia, I claim it too 🙂 I always remind Paul “we’re gonna be just fine. It will just take some time.” God bless! See you next year! Excited for the next reunion!

    My kind of lymphoma is very curable though it is very aggressive. Despite that, through my faith and the expertise of my doctors, i know I will be ok.

    Kieron has been smiling so much lately … i know I can’t leave that smile … kieron and i have a standing joke that he’s laughing at mommy because mommy’s bald LOL

    God Bless, Rica! See you next year!

  • len says:

    Dear Romina,

    My name is Len and I read your story in Ms. Rica’s blog. I survived the BIG C – family, friends and prayers were my armour during those trying times. I never lost hope – positivity was very important during those moments. Padre Pio and St Peregrine were my devotions. I will pray for you.

    God bless you.

  • […] my friend, Minnie ( Romina’s Birthday Message October 26, 2009) ? […]

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