Monthly Archives: October 2009

Message/Lessons Learned from Ondoy and Pepeng

By | Proud to be Pinoy!, Today's Quote | 2 Comments

As I reflect and see what happened during the past week, aside from typhoon Ondoy and Pepeng coming into our lives, there seems to be a SUPER TYPHOON of VALUES and LESSONS learned from everything that has happened.  I was right when I said GOD HAS A REASON FOR EVERYTHING and He seems to be sending us many signals and messages.  It is so abundant that it is FLOODING  our hearts! ( Heart2Heart normally does not write a lot, but do take time out to read this )



Filipinos are very quick in HELPING.  Immediately, people were organizing task forces, everyone donating, Filipinos form all over the world, even non Filipinos helping our country!

 I heard that even victims were helping other victims! Thank you to everyone for your kind and generous hearts!

 ” when you find yourself in a position to help someone, be glad. god is answering that person’s prayer through you”

 How You can Help?  September 28, 2009

Starbucks and The Ateneo Taskforce Ondoy September 28, 2009 

What You can Do for Typhoon Ondoy Victims September 28, 2009 

Bawat Pilipino  Bayani September 29, 2009




2.)  God has a reason for everything

And God is With Us September 29, 2009 

There are 2 versions, watch both





Related entry:  Posted in  Heart2Heart in 2007  ( This is the TRUTH December 31, 2007 )


3.)  Prayer

The Power of Prayer October 2, 2009 

The Beauty of Prayer October 3,  2009 

 “God knows our prayers even when we cannot find words to say them for god knows our hearts better than we do.   We often get impatient and take things into our own hands, but god says,”be quiet, trust me, i know your needs better than you do. just wait, let me work and give you the best.””  

 “Be aware that god’s answers are wiser than your own. “ William Culbertson 


4.)  Gratitutde

Aren’t we all suddenly so grateful for everything we have?  For those who were spared, aren’t you grateful you still have your house- no matter how small, no matter how old, no matter what state you are in you have a place to live in? You cannot imagine how GRATEFUL I am for EVERY SINGLE little thing that we have been blessed with 


*   some tips to live by:

1) make your future bigger than your past.

2) make your contribution bigger than your reward.

3) make your performance greater than the applause.

4) make your gratitude greater than your success.


*   those who thank god even in trials turn the burden into blessings. so keep your faith close to your heart and god shall provide the comfort you need.

*   if the only prayer we say in our entire life is ‘thank you, lord,’ that would be enough. gratitude makes us see our many blessings.

*   at times, god fills our cup full and running over, not so we can boast or brag, but so we can spill over into the lives of others.

*   if you cannot be grateful for what you have received, then be thankful for what you have been spared. yiddish proverb

*   in all things, always remember to give thanks. you might not be where you want to be but neither are you where you used to be. if it hasn’t happened yet, that doesn’t mean it won’t happen. remember a delay is not a denial from god; in his own time, he will make all things beautiful.

*   “a thankful heart is not only the greatest virtue, but the parent of all the other virtues.” marcus tullius cicero

*   may god give us wisdom to hold things lightly, to let things go, to give attention to things that last forever, and, to simplify our life for his glory. 


5.)  Preparing ourselves

 Years ago, a farmer owned land along the Atlantic seacoast. He constantly advertised for hired hands. Most people were reluctant to work on farms along the Atlantic. They dreaded the awful storms that raged across the Atlantic,  wreaking havoc on the buildings and crops. 

As the farmer interviewed applicants for the job, he received a steady stream of refusals. Finally, a short, thin man, well past middle age, approached the farmer. “Are you a good farm hand?” the farmer asked him.

“Well, I can sleep when the wind blows,” answered the little man.

Although puzzled by this answer, the farmer, desperate for help, hired him. The little man worked well around the farm, busy from dawn to dusk, and the farmer felt satisfied with the man’s work. 

Then one night the wind howled loudly in from offshore. Jumping out of bed, the farmer grabbed a lantern and rushed next door to the hired hand’s sleeping quarters. He shook the little man and yelled, “Get up! A storm is coming!  Tie things down before they blow away!” 

The little man rolled over in bed and said firmly, “No sir. I told you, I can sleep when the wind blows.”

Enraged by the response, the farmer was tempted to fire him on the spot. Instead, he hurried outside to prepare for the storm. To his amazement, he discovered that all of the haystacks had been covered with tarpaulins. The cows were in the barn, the chickens were in the coops, and the doors were barred. The shutters were tightly secured.

Everything was tied down. 

Nothing could blow away. The farmer then understood what his hired hand meant, so he returned to his bed to also sleep while the wind blew. 

When you’re prepared, spiritually, mentally, and physically, you have nothing to fear. Can you sleep when the  wind blows through your life? 

The hired hand in the story was able to sleep because he had secured the farm against the storm. We secure ourselves against the storms of life by grounding ourselves in the Word of God. We don’t need to understand, we just need to hold His hand to have peace in the middle of storms. 

 Super Typhoon Pepang Checklist October 2, 2009



 Once again the Filipino spirit is alive… This proves how Filipinos are so good in trying to find ways to get out of a bad situation and turn it into a happy one.  No matter how serious the crisis, filipinos take the time to find humour in it. 

 We have been through so much, that we are so strong, WE WILL SURVIVE ANYTHING!

From Rocio Pantaleon

 compliments of my friend Jackie Mendoza : My kumare asked these men,: “mga bakla ba kayo?” sabi nila,”hindi. pero eto lang ang dumarating na tulong e. suotin na

namin.” still taken at bgy bagong silangan, payatas, qc.


From emodeadsick





Continous efforts are being done to feed and send donations to the victims.  After we have all maxed out our ability to give financially, how do we move on and  have a long term solution for all of this?

Heart2Heart is not looking anymore at photos of what happened during the storm or what donations are being made…….Heart2Heart is now  on the lookout for people organizing CLEAN UP TASKFORCES, photos showing  signs of recovery – people cleaning up,  people moving on, people doing something to help our country even in their own little way..





Related Entries:

How You Can Help?  September 28, 2009 

Starbucks and the Ateneo Taskforce Ondoy  Sept. 28, 2009

What you can do for typhoon Ondoy victims  Sept. 28, 2009

And God is with us September 29, 2009 

Bawat Pilipino Bayani September 29, 2009 

How to Clean up After a Flood September 30, 3009 

The Power of Prayer October 2, 2009

Super Typhoon Pepeng Checklist  October 2, 2009

The Beauty of Prayer October 3, 2009   


Super Typhoon “Pepeng” Checklist

By | Household Tips | 2 Comments








Rescue Operations 

1.        National Disaster Coordinating Council (NDCC) (+632-9125668, +632-9111406, +632-9115061, +632-9122665) Help hotlines: (+65 734-2118, 734-2120) 

2.        Philippine Coast Guard (+632-5276136) 

3.        Air Force (+63908-1126976, +632-8535023) 

4.        Metro Manila Development Authority (136) 

5.        Marikina City Rescue (+632-6462436, +632-6462423, +632920-9072902) 

6.        Pasig Rescue Emergency Number (+632-6310099) 

7.        Quezon City Rescue (161) 

8.        San Juan City Hall Command Post (+632-4681697) 

9.        Bureau of Fire Protection Region III (Central Luzon) Hotline: (+63245-9634376) 

10.        Senator Dick Gordon (+639178997898, +63938-444BOYS, +632-9342118, +632-4338528) 

11.        Senator Manny Villar (+639174226800. +639172414864, +639276751981) 

Civil Society/ Media 

1.        Philippine National Red Cross (143, +632-5270000) 

2.        Philippine National Red Cross Rizal Chapter operations center hotline: (+632-6350922, +632-6347824) 

3.        Go to GMA Facebook page & post complete addresses and names of people in need of immediate help. 

4.        ABS-CBN Typhoon Ondoy Hotline: (+632-4163641) 

5.        Jam 88.3: (+632- 6318803) or SMS at JAM (space) 883 (space) your message to 2968 

Rubber Boat Requests, 4×4 Trucks 

1.        NCRPO (+632-8383203, +632-8383354) 

2.        Private citizens who would like to lend their motor boats for rescue

please call emergency nos: +632-9125668, +632-9111406, +632-9122665, +632-9115061) 

3.        You can also text (+632917-4226800 or +632927-6751981) for rescue dump trucks. 

4.        For those who are able to lend 4×4 trucks for rescue: Please send truck to Greenhills Shoppng Center Unimart Grocery to await deployment, Tel No. (+632920-9072902) . 

Power Supply

  • Meralco (+63917-5592824, 16211, +63920-9292824) If you want service cut off to your area to prevent fires and electrocution.

  Related Entries:

How You Can Help?  September 28, 2009 

Starbucks and the Ateneo Taskforce Ondoy  Sept. 28, 2009

What you can do for typhoon Ondoy victims  Sept. 28, 2009

And God is with us September 29, 2009 

Bawat Pilipino Bayani September 29, 2009 

How to Clean up After a Flood September 30, 3009 

The Power of Prayer October 2, 2009

The Beauty of Prayer October 3, 2009 

Messages/Lessons Learned from Ondoy and Pepeng October 4, 2o09  


The Power of Prayer

By | Today's Quote | No Comments

Somehow, I have this strong feeling that the typhoon will be diverted…maybe because I believe so much in the POWER OF PRAYER


and I know that Filipinos pray a lot and that everyone has been praying




And even if the typhoon is not diverted…………. THY WILL BE DONE 


 *   prayer is where an amazing exchange happens… you hand over your worries, and, he hands over his peace.

    *   if a problem brings you to prayer, then it has served its purpose.


    *   god will never permit any troubles to come upon us unless he has a specific plan by which great blessing can come out of the difficulty.

 Related Entries:

How You Can Help?  September 28, 2009 

Starbucks and the Ateneo Taskforce Ondoy  Sept. 28, 2009

What you can do for typhoon Ondoy victims  Sept. 28, 2009

And God is with us September 29, 2009 

Bawat Pilipino Bayani September 29, 2009 

How to Clean up After a Flood September 30, 3009 

Super Typhoon Pepeng Checklist  October 2, 2009

The Beauty of Prayer October 3, 2009 

Messages/Lessons Learned from Ondoy and Pepeng October 4, 2009  


By Tisa Muñoz- Santos

By | Homes and Interiors | 5 Comments

Happy Birthday Tisa!!!  A super nice, simple, pretty and talented person.  

I am so happy to have met her through her sister, Trina


Tisa is an interior designer and of course designed her beautiful home.  Tisa is so talented!

Thanks Tisa for inviting me over!  You are truly blessed with a beautiful home and a beautiful family.  


This is a new part of their house, a study/play room for her 4 kids!

by-tisa-munoz-santos-23.jpgby-tisa-munoz-santos-24.jpgby-tisa-munoz-santos-25.jpgby-tisa-munoz-santos-26.jpgby-tisa-munoz-santos-27.jpgby-tisa-munoz-santos-28.jpgby-tisa-munoz-santos-29.jpg by-tisa-munoz-santos-30.jpgby-tisa-munoz-santos-31.jpgby-tisa-munoz-santos-32.jpg

They use the den as a massage room also, I like their tray with massage oils 🙂 


Tisa also paints, so she has a lot of her paintings around her house 


Tisa’s husband, Lito, started collecting Kois


 The kids, Javier and Isabel, introduced me to all their pets 🙂  HOW CUTE!!





Thirty Years With Melissa

By | Fashion, What's New at Rustan's | One Comment

Last August 1-2, Manila’s chic and fashionable converged at Rustan’s Makati to join Melissa Philippines as it celebrated Melissa’s 30th anniversary as a global fashion icon. Since its arrival in the Philippines in 2007, this fashion forward footwear brand has drawn rave reviews from local fashionistas for its unique, cutting-edge, and avant-garde designs.


At the venue, a photographic timeline showcased Melissa’s rich 30 year history.

Pictures of Melissa’s past collaborations with respected fashion icons such as

Thierry Mugler and Jean Paul Gaultier were on display, as well as snapshots of past, present, and future Melissa designs.


Visitors were also treated to a sneak peek at Melissa’s upcoming styles for Fall Winter 2009. For this collection,


Melissa again collaborates with the iconic Vivienne Westwood, respected architect Zaha Hadid, and Egyptian design guru Karim Rashid. These new designs are scheduled to be released to the market this September 2009. Select Melissa fans were also able to enjoy free perks such as Melissa keychains and a souvenir photo at the event.


In the span of 30 years, Melissa has grown from its humble origins as a fisherman’s sandal in Brazil to become a truly recognizable global brand.


Melissa is available in Culte Femme Rustan’s Makati, Rustan’s Tower and Rustan’s Alabang Town Center. To learn more about Melissa, please visit their website at or email