Homemade Pizza By Tina

By November 22, 2009 Foodie 5 Comments

Tina, Martha Stewart of the Philippines, really lives up to her title!  She know makes homemade pizzas!!! She even sets up her kitchen table in preparation to make the pizza.  And wow! They are really YUMMY!!!! Heart2Heart loves it because it is THIN CRUST and a  favorite of course is the four cheese, though the others are very good too! I am looking forward to having more of this pizza…hint hint!  🙂



Previous Entries:

Previous Entries:

Martha Stewart of the Philippines May 6, 2009

 Steak Dinner by Gerry and Tina April 25, 2009 

 Getting Organized Part2  March 15, 2009

Tina’s Sunday Lunch March 10, 2009

Georgia’s Littlelest Pet Shop November 2, 2008

Goodies from Germany July 3, 2008 

Christmas Dinner December 27, 2007 

Celebrating Thanksgiving November 27, 2007 

Welcome to the Mystical Forest October 28, 2007

Little Brown Book September 9, 2007 

Max’s Haunted Party June 9, 2007 




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