H2H’s Cheeseballs Bread

By December 5, 2009 Cheese, Recipes 2 Comments

Heart2Heart loves cheese! To the point where sometimes I invent my own recipes.  Sharing with you this recipe.  I consider this a gourmet recipe because it is a SERIOUS recipe!  miniheartsmilingimages3.jpg

I have shared this with three of my girl friends over merienda at home and they all liked it.  So I hope you will like it too!   



CHEESEBALLS!  Choose your favorite cheeseballs brand. Use a mortar and pestle to crush the cheeseballs 


Garlic bread – I just buy the frozen ones in the supermarket because they are pre cut and prepared already and they are very good.  Even if they are pre cut already, I still slice the bread into two so it becomes really thin.  I do that also because I do not want to eat too much bread and at the same time, I get to taste more of the cheeseballs on top.  I choose any of these two:p1070705.JPGp1070731.JPG

Since I slice the bread into two, one of them will not have the garlic spread right,  So I spread Holly’s FRESH  butter on it 


Put the crushed cheeseballs on top of the bread and toast till the bread is lightly browned and cooked 


My sons love it too especially Javier and he even has his own version.  When we were in the States, he actually made cheeseballs bread and he invented his own version by melting Cracker barrel cheese on top!


WOW!! It was actually good! He is definitely Heart2Heart’s son! 🙂





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