Thank you Marivic for the cookbooks you shared with Heart2Heart!!!
You cannot imagine how valuable they are to Heart2Heart. I am so lucky to get hold of copies of this cookbook! I really love it!
I went through the pages and saw the compilation of recipes contributed by your batchmates and the stories behind the recipes. Not everything is about cooking, about the recipe, about eating…but it is what goes into preparing it, the people and the history of the recipe. What a great compilation!! I wish i could feature each and every recipe at Heart2Heart!
Here is a sample recipe page
Five years ago, they came out with their first cookbook which again as I said, whenever there is a part two or a next edition, it can only mean that it was successful!
The brains behind the cookbook and the ones who worked so hard to put all of the recipes together
For orders, please call Marivic Puyat-Limcaoco at 0918-815-1558 or Telephone # 887-4789
Or you can buy them at the Assumption College Family Council Office, Fully Booked and Power Books
i recently discovered these AC cookbooks and would definitely get myself a copy of each one. although i am sure the cottage pie, siomai and assumption meat tasted better in my memory, one of my constant food cravings has been the assumption meat which they served at the cafeteria. i lived at the dorm for five months and assumption meat was a regular entree. if i could prepare the dish, it would be great from a nostalgia point of view.