Lauro’s Birthday Celebration

By December 24, 2009 Celebrations, Foodie No Comments

Last year we celebrated the birthday of Grace ( Happy Birthday Grace December 8, 2008 )  and this year, it is Lauro’s turn.  Grace said that they take turns in celebrating 🙂  These two really amaze us – how they love and compliment each other all the time.  They are one of the few couples we know that really really show their love and affection for each other and they are so proud of each other.  We admire them for that.  

Happy Birthday to a good friend, a loving husband, a true gentleman ( as James would say ) and a smart investment banker….in fact, one of the the BEST investment bankers out there.  

Happy Birthday Lauro! Indeed you have been blessed and we are blessed to be your friends. 


Catering by Kai


A Birthday toast from all the guys




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