Monthly Archives: December 2009

Gift from Leslie’s Clover Chips

By | Christmas, Great Inventions, Yummy! | 6 Comments

Every year, we look forward to receiving our gift from Bobby and Birang!  We know it is always something from their factory and each year it is packaged differently or the contents change.  Though our family loves Leslie’s products and we buy them regularly, nothing tastes better when it is given to you 🙂 and when it is from the owner themselves.  My Grandmother always told us to patronize our own and to give gifts from our company…and Bobby and Birang does the same always!

This year, I found the packaging really amusing! Even my kids were wondering how they did it…. It is 3 large packs of Clover Chips UNCUT so it is one long packaging full of clover chips!  The machine did not cut it..instead it came out as one long Clover chips bag!!! We are all amused with it, we do not want to open it and eat it 🙂 Heart2Heart loves Leslie’s Clover chips! Thanks Bobby and Birang!




Dell’s Food Hall

By | Great Achievements | 10 Comments

Heart2Heart loves featuring success stories and people who work hard!  We all know that it is not easy to start a business, run it and make it successful in this very very competitive world.  

I was very happy to visit my Assumption highschool batchmate, Karla Siopongco-Campos at her foodhall and was amazed at what she has accomplished since then.  I call her the CAFETERIA QUEEN! 🙂


Dell is the Mom of Karla and she told me that when we were in highschool, her Mom was running 20 cafeterias and she would even pull out Karla from school when she needed an extra hand in the business.  So at an early age, Karla was already exposed to the cafeteria industry.  It was only when her Mom was not physically well that she was sent back from the States to come to the Philippines and her mission was to close the business.  So from twenty locations, she was left with one. And from that one, she bought the business from her Mom and then now grew it to 11 successful locations! WOW!


A very very busy cafeteria with plenty people 


Aside from all the wide variety of  food that is already out….. There are a few dishes you can still order like the sizzlers and the All Day Breakfast.  Dell’s is open 24 hours to cater to the call centers.


Karla made me try her food and it was really good.  It is really value for money which is why many, many people come over on a regular basis to have their meals at Dell’s.  

Aside from the great lunch, was the great company and I enjoyed getting to know Karla more. Though she was my batchmate, I only got to know her recently as our kids go to the same school.  I like her very much! and enjoy her! 


Heart2Heart is very very proud of Karla for what she has achieved and the success she is enjoying.  Thank you Karla for sharing your story with Heart2Heart and more power to you! You are an inspiration!







Starbucks Love Project

By | Giving Back, What's New at Starbucks? | One Comment


 Delivering on Starbucks commitment to inspire and nurture the human spirit, we will honor those who have joined together over the past year to support the Global Fund through the purchase of (STARBUCKS)RED products.


On Monday, December 7,


at 8:30 a.m. Eastern Time, artists around the world will unite



to sing “All You Need is Love”




and Starbucks will simulcast the live video on



This live music event will feature artists from different countries performing a special rendition of “All You Need is Love” in a voice and style that is customary and unique to their homeland.


These performances will be streamed simultaneously over the internet to a single viewing location in London, featuring video monitors showing each location’s performance. A video of these combined monitors will then be broadcast to the world on the Starbucks Love Project website.  

Following the live event, a special compilation video will be posted on the website where everyone with access to a computer and video camera will have the opportunity to add their voices for the world to see. Starbucks will make a contribution to the Global Fund for every video submitted (up to one million submissions) to the Starbucks Love Project website starting December 7.


Through our contributions to the Global Fund, we are helping to make a difference in the lives of those living with HIV in Africa.


In just one-year in partnership with (RED)™, Starbucks and our customers have generated funds that could buy more than 7 million daily doses of antiretroviral medicine from the sale of select (STARBUCKS)RED products. With your participation in the sing-along, in addition to our customers, we can contribute even more to the Global Fund.  





H2H’s Cheeseballs Bread

By | Cheese, Recipes | 2 Comments

Heart2Heart loves cheese! To the point where sometimes I invent my own recipes.  Sharing with you this recipe.  I consider this a gourmet recipe because it is a SERIOUS recipe!  miniheartsmilingimages3.jpg

I have shared this with three of my girl friends over merienda at home and they all liked it.  So I hope you will like it too!   



CHEESEBALLS!  Choose your favorite cheeseballs brand. Use a mortar and pestle to crush the cheeseballs 


Garlic bread – I just buy the frozen ones in the supermarket because they are pre cut and prepared already and they are very good.  Even if they are pre cut already, I still slice the bread into two so it becomes really thin.  I do that also because I do not want to eat too much bread and at the same time, I get to taste more of the cheeseballs on top.  I choose any of these two:p1070705.JPGp1070731.JPG

Since I slice the bread into two, one of them will not have the garlic spread right,  So I spread Holly’s FRESH  butter on it 


Put the crushed cheeseballs on top of the bread and toast till the bread is lightly browned and cooked 


My sons love it too especially Javier and he even has his own version.  When we were in the States, he actually made cheeseballs bread and he invented his own version by melting Cracker barrel cheese on top!


WOW!! It was actually good! He is definitely Heart2Heart’s son! 🙂




Angel Brigade

By | Christmas, Giving Back | 2 Comments

Last Sunday, Heart2Heart mentioned about being an Angel for somebody ( You Could Be An Angel for Somebody November 29, 2009 )

And you know what…there are many angels watching over thousands of our countrymen out there.  Just last night, my bestfriend, Eds, told me that she is still so busy doing relief work for the Ondoy victims and Pepeng victims as well.  And she said that she was so happy because her house is full of donations!  She and her group were able to give out around 10,000 bags of goods to the typhoon victims!  

And just a few days ago, my friend, Tisha Cruz- Bautista, tells me that her foundation, Angel Brigade, is still also helping out typhoon victims as well.

I have such good and generous friends, such ANGELS here on EARTH.  I am glad Heart2Heart can help in small ways by bringing awareness…so I hope you can help Tisha and her foundation and support the ANGELS  from Angel Brigade








They also have a Donation Card which costs P 75.00/card






Take Me Home for Free

By | Animals and Pets, What's New at Rustan's | No Comments

Sticker cards are given for free in all RS Fresh stores. Every P250 purchase entitles customers to 1 sticker, and there are 3 ways to get the animals:


  • 50 stickers = 1 toy for FREE
  • 25 stickers + P299 = 1 toy
  • Or they can buy the toys for P999 each


Bonus stickers will also be given for every P100 purchase of participating sponsor products. Promo runs from Dec. 4, 2009 to March 31, 2010. And, this is exclusive to Rustan’s Supermarkets, thus, you cannot find these animals anywhere else in the country! The stuffed toys are so cute and cuddly and would make a perfect gift for Christmas.


We will also have a launch activity where customers who present a sticker card with at least 2 stickers can avail of face painting, fur or glitter tattoos for FREE. This will be on Dec. 5 & 6, from 2PM to 6PM only in Rustan’s Supermarkets Rockwell and Shangrila.


