Japanese Musk Melon

By January 6, 2010 Travel, Yummy! 2 Comments

I am wondering who will ever buy a melon worth US$ 200.00 plus.  Mom and I were having a discussion as to whether there is really a difference between the one that costs 21,000 yen and the 5,000 yen…hmmm… we will never know unless we taste it 🙂  

In this display, you will see that someone actually bought the 10,000 yen and the 16,000 yen one 


And to see it to believe it, there is really a 21,000 yen musk melon for sale! Here is the close up- as you go lower down the display – it gets more expensive 🙂




  • Donna says:

    it says 2 for the price of 21,000 yen =). yes, the Japanese do buy these but mainly for gift-giving. i don’t know anyone who has bought one for himself. we were lucky enough to be given one before, although i really couldn’t taste the difference. must be my amateur taste buds =).

  • Rica says:

    Haha!! okay 🙂 Still expensive 🙂

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