Dad and Mom took us to this restaurant where they enjoyed with their friends before in Tokyo


An interesting concept.  We came in and we saw this – it was a whole table surrounding these two chefs and there were ingredients in front of us 


in front of the chefs is a griller where they grill everything you order in front of you


Then you tell the chef what you want – we just pointed to the ingredients.  Then you will hear the chef shout what we ordered and then the other waiters in the background shout it as well!  Hilarious?  🙂  

And they cook it and then they serve it to you using this wooden stick 


There are photos on the wall with stars that have been to their restaurant 


The food was very good.  

We were not given any menu and we got surprised with the bill.  We felt we paid too much for what we had, thugh Dad and Mom said that the Japanese are very honest and honorable people and will not cheat us.  I guess it was our fault for not asking for the menu also.  So, make sure you ask for the menu!  

Anyway, I found this in their website: 


This was the branch we went to:


Visit their Website for more information:  Inakaya



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