Around 10 years ago, Mommy Carmeling and I bought a Rainbow vacuum cleanerrainbowabout.jpg

 It was half the price back then and Mom and I split the cost and shared it 🙂   And after ten years, our Rainbow is still very much alive and working and in good condition.


The Rainbow resembles the Star Wars robot R2D2 and it follows you around the house while cleaning 🙂 


I received a Christmas letter and gift certificate from Rainbow and I was happy to accept a visit to check my Rainbow and have my staff retrained on how to use it.  What a nice way to start the year with everything new and clean!


 I immediately called them when the new year started and was happy to see the salesman who sold it to me, Chito!  They just did not send any salesman, they sent Chito who I did not recognize as he lost a lot of weight from ten years ago.  Chito has been selling Rainbow vacuums for 25 years ( since it started in the Philippines ) and has sold around 10,000 units already. WOW!


He sat and started showing me everything again.  I realized that I have taken my Rainbow for granted and just left it and assumed that the household help have been using it to clean the house.


The vacuum uses water and he will show you how clear water


becomes hazy and you will see all the dust that comes from your house- the floor, curtains, mattress, pillows etc.  This photo was the first vacuuming we did for the floor in ten seconds only


 Vacuumed the pillow for around 10 seconds just to demonstrate to my household staff


And already plenty dust.  Though the pillows are regularly rainbowed according to my staff, Adet


The most dust was from the curtains.  This was just one side of the curtains.  If that is not vacuumed, then that goes to the air and we breath it


There are different brushes for different uses.  

There are companies that offer their services to clean your mattresses for dust mites- they just use a rainbow.  Here are the dustmites in your mattresses, pillows, sofas, YIKES! 🙂

dustmit3a.jpg dustmite2.jpg

Why not have your own Rainbow and just do it yourself? Once every three months will be good enough.


 I am now going to regularly check on the staff and make sure they Rainbow the house regularly and properly.  

For those that do not own one yet, It’s about time you have a Rainbow.  Heart2Heart highly recommends the Rainbow Vaccum.  Ten years ago, I was pregnant when Chito came over and right there and then I bought one because I wanted my house to be clean for all of us especially my new baby at that time.  I have friends who have Rainbows too and are very happy.  One of my friends has two and keeps one per floor and makes sure they Rainbow her house everyday instead of using a broom.

Call Chito and give him a chance to demonstrate and show you. There is no cost for this and no commitments. I told him to expect calls from Heart2Heart friends 🙂

It is one of the best investments I have made for me and my family. 


Photos taken from:




  • Joy Dumlao says:

    Hi Rica,
    Can you please give me an idea how much is the price range of this?
    Am very much interested.
    Thank you.

  • Rica says:

    Hi Joy,
    I don’t want to reveal the amount, I want you to watch the demo first 🙂 Really. It is best you have Chito explain and demonstrate to you and you won’t think of price anymore 🙂
    He mentioned to me he has an installment plan which was not even available during the time I bought mine. It is best if he explains it to you.
    Let us know if you do decide to invest in one

  • ivan ng says:

    kindly sen dme more details

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