My Mother’s Garden by Malu Veloso

By January 24, 2010 Fashion, Foodie 8 Comments

Mom invited us to join her lunch in honor of Tito Stephen and Tita Reggie who are visiting.  Tita Reggie recommended this place by Tita Malu Veloso which we have been wanting to try

The restaurant is located in her Mom’s home  


The house was designed by her father which is why it has a lot of sentimental value to her 


and who has built many well known buildings in the country 


The Garden 


The Dining Area 


It was a very good buffet lunch prepared by Tita Malu’s kitchen 


She makes all the desserts herself 


Christmas gift packages for sale  


Other parts of the house can be used for private group dining and for bigger events 


Tita Malu also has her fashion designing business in that house 


and is proud to show off her creations  


 Tita Malu is the godparent of James which is why 15 years go, we asked her to design my wedding dress 🙂 






  • Reggie Aguinaldo says:

    Great coverage as always with all the pictures. Appreciate your sharing this and keeping me posted.
    Glad we were able to see you & James then.
    Love & hugs,
    Tita Reggie

  • Gregg Imperial says:

    Wonderful coverage, great pictures. Very informative especially your wedding gown. For a while, I thought her only shop is at Podium. Keep up your good work of sharing.

  • bing limson-salvador says:

    i like My Mother’s Garden very much! . . so cool!! and thanks for sharing your wedding picture,
    your so pretty ms. heart-to-heart . . i hope my family would be able to visit the place in February,
    in time for Valentine’s Day.

  • Rica says:

    TIta Reg, too bad we only saw you once during your whole stay here. But it was a good lunch and it was nice to see you and Tito Stephen!
    Thanks Gregg! and Thanks Bing for your kind words 🙂

  • ronnie says:

    Rics, was that taken for a bridal magazine? 😉

  • Rica says:

    Ron, shh…. but no 🙂 those were the bridal photos na after the wedding before the reception

  • Hola malu
    Do you still play tennis?
    Delightful little world you build
    Do i have to reserve to go there
    Un abrazo

  • […] Heart to Heart (January 2010) – provides an in depth overview of the place. She had been to the other places in the house that we were not able to see. […]

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