Golden Spoon “Gold Spoon”

By January 31, 2010 Golden Spoon 3 Comments

The Golden Spoon ” GOLD SPOON” is back!! We ran out for awhile and many customers were looking for it, especially the kids. The GOLD SPOON is very popular – many don’t think it is disposable and some take them home as a souvenir. Now it’s back!! You can now enjoy your Golden Spoon with the GOLD SPOON! 🙂





  • Grace says:

    Rica, we were just there this afternoon to check it out. It was our first try and we loved it! Hope you can have more branches, perhaps somewhere closer to home? 🙂

  • quito says:

    Hi ,

    Were working on the locations , apologies for the inconvenience. We will open more stores in different location in the Metro soon!

    Quito Lopez

  • giselle ang says:

    hi rica! how much is the gold spoon? (=

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