Monthly Archives: January 2010

Toilets in Japan

By | Great Inventions, Travel | 5 Comments

Japan is the land of great inventions.  You see so many things you do not see anywhere else.  They make something for everything, for every use and for every need.  One of them are toilets 🙂  They have so many kinds all over the place.  

In hotels, some of them even have a heating function so when you sit, the seat is warm and not cold 


This one, Krie and I really like from Gonpachi restaurant ( Gonpachi January 5, 2010 ). Since it is a public toilet, we are happy that we can just step on the button on the floor to flush the toilet.  It is more sanitary than using your hands to flush or putting up your legs up high just to flush it with your foot 🙂  I wish all public toilets all over the world were like this


This is another great toilet from Rosetta restaurant.  Krie showed it to me too. When you flush the toilet, water comes out of the faucet 🙂  Never seen this ever before 




Ukulele Boy

By | Entertainment, For kids | 2 Comments

Is the ukulele the new guitar now?  I was surprised that Jaime asked to buy him a Ukelele while in Japan.  I am happy to purchase any instrument for my kids 


This cute little boy is now a youtube sensation with 10 million views!!   





By | Foodie, Travel | 2 Comments

Though we were in Tokyo last year, Heart2Heart is happy we tried new restaurants. One of them is Gonpachi.  I like it because it is Japanse food with a twist and it is quite reasonable compared to other Japanese restaurants.  My brother Noey and Krie says it is like the TGIFriday’s of Japan where people come in big groups and order beer and just order a lot of pica pica.  

The location we went to is in Ginza and is in a place called the G-Zone.  You enter this door and it is a long tunnel leading to all the restaurants listed on this board.  It is a nice concept and all the restaurants were full! 



This is my favorite dish!!! It is called Popcorn shrimp!  YUMMY!  and that thing under it is like seaweed and some crispy thing, we could not figure it out but it was really good!! 




Heart2Heart’s favorite was the foie gras with strawberry skewer ( 3rd from the left ) !! Never had this in any yakitori restaurant ever  


Interesting california roll with parmesan cheese 🙂 


On the way out, I saw they had a separate area for sushi/sashimi






By | Travel, Yummy! | 3 Comments

After trying my best to convince the family to travel somewhere we have never visited before, we ended up in one of our favorite places, Tokyo.   I almost did not go but then decided that it was more important that we be together with the family and it should not have mattered what country we were in.  So, I changed my mind….and I won’t complain being in Tokyo! 🙂

In Tokyo, Pino is one of Heart2Heart’s favorite snack.  It is available in the Philippines, but somehow, it is different when you are eating it in Japan even when it is freezing already


  Look for the small toothpick inside so you can use it to pick up the chocolate pieces and put it in your mouth 🙂 YUMMY!




Ramon’s Christening

By | Celebrations, For kids | 3 Comments

I wish my friend, Noel, will be in very event that I go to, that way, he will take all the good photos 🙂  Thanks Noel for making my life easier 🙂  You capture the moments exactly how Heart2Heart would..even better!  I just inserted the food photos 🙂

Welcome to the Christian world, Ramon!  You are truly blessed! Thank you Jose and Tin for your friendship and for always making us part of the important events in your lives.  We admire you and your family so much.  




Songs in the Half-Light

By | Christmas, Entertainment, Heart Songs | 3 Comments

One of our favorite gifts, a CD from Anton and Nina.  Not only is it special because it is from our dear cousins, but because the one singing in the CD is another of our cousins, Jaime 🙂   Design by our sister in law, Krie and Art Direction by our cousin, Nina.  It is a family creation 🙂


It is not Christmas songs… Heart2Heart likes all the songs but sharing with you one of the songs I picked….”SMILE” as one of my best friends always tells me…”and definitely life is still worthwhile if you’ll just SMILE!” 🙂 

 Smile by Charlie Chaplin

Smile though your heart is aching 
Smile even though it’s breaking 
When there are clouds in the sky, you’ll get by 
If you smile through your fear and sorrow 
Smile and maybe tomorrow 
You’ll see the sun come shining through for you Light up your face with gladness 
Hide every trace of sadness 
Although a tear may be ever so near 
That’s the time you must keep on trying 
Smile, what’s the use of crying? 
You’ll find that life is still worthwhile 
If you just smile 
That’s the time you must keep on trying 
Smile, what’s the use of crying? 
You’ll find that life is still worthwhile 
If you just smile



Gifts from Our Hometown

By | Christmas | One Comment

Heart2Heart loves gifts shared by friends from their own hometown


From Isa- from Tarlac 


From Steve and Lindy- they always have very personalized and well thought of gifts- we always look forward to it every year 


From Lito and Bebsie from Bacolod 




New Year’s Eve

By | Celebrations, Foodie | 7 Comments

We all gathered up in Dad and Mom’s hotel room and we removed our shoes 🙂 and waited for New Year’s Eve


As usual, Mom prepared our New Year’s spread….


Cheese with truffles ( fromage aux truffes )


Fresh Japanese Strawberries




Mochi with different flavors of ice cream filling


PINO!!  I snuck this in the spread 🙂


I snuck this in also – what an interesting flavor – CAMEMBERT  flavor! YUM!! Though when I got there- it was already gone!!:-)


Our favorite Japanese snack, Javier snuck this in 🙂


Previous Entry:  New Year’s Countdown Spread January 29, 2009
