Misono in Baguio

By February 6, 2010 Foodie, Travel 2 Comments

Another Baguio dining experience ( Dining in Baguio November 13, 2008 ) which we truly look forward to.  Last year when we visited Baguio, we were happy to share our misono  meal with our good friends, Paolo and Trina 


Angulas pasta 


Mom prepared special kobe beef for all of us 


James preparing and cooking the beef with freshly grated salt…you can really tell the difference in taste 


James version which he tried, which was fully cooked on the outside and medium rare on the inside 


Foie Gras!!!! YUMMY!!! First time for us to have this in misono- I will make sure we have it al the time from now on 🙂 


Michaelangelo cake form Baguio Country Club – one of their bestsellers – their version of a sansrival 


Previous Entry:  Dining in Baguio November 13, 2008 







  • Bettina Osmena says:

    Wow !!! I really love your blog. Its only about the beautiful and positive side of life.

    Good food, cooking meals, beautiful homes !!

    Keep it up.

    Your parents are the perfect role models for what marriage should be like after 40 plus years

    Cheers !!

  • Rica says:

    Thanks Tita!!

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